The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

All Blog Posts (419)

Mercy - Deuteronomy 7:9

Is the LORD your GOD? Do you love the LORD GOD? Do you keep the commandments given to you by the LORD GOD? Do you know what the commandments are that the LORD GOD has given to you? As for me I can say with assurance that the LORD is my GOD and none other. It is HE alone that I love with my…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on May 9, 2012 at 10:13am — No Comments

Love-Deuteronomy 6:4-6

Love is a beautiful emotion. Unfortunately; people have diluted this word to mean almost nothing. But love is the most powerful, positive emotion we can have. Humans need to be loved and it must be unconditional. The reason I believe that we throw the word love around so carelessly is…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on May 8, 2012 at 9:31am — No Comments

Justice-Psalm 25:8-10

The LORD GOD is completely good. There is no attribute to HIM that we must think about and separate to weigh where HE is greater or less. The Most High GOD is completely and evenly good. The True and Living GOD’s character and integrity…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on May 7, 2012 at 9:19am — No Comments

Holy Spirit-Psalm 51:10-12

This is a great psalm because we see that we are directed back to the FATHER of Creation. King David asks the Creator to create in him a clean heart; this is a cry for repentance. King David understood that his heart was not right and that the only way he could have it right was to…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 27, 2012 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Healing-Malachi 4:2-3

It’s incredibly sad that many people don’t reverence the name of GOD. GOD’s last name is Not damn! The name of the Living GOD is HIS very essence and we are foolish to the point that we will swear by HIS name; use HIS name for profanity;…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 27, 2012 at 12:34pm — No Comments

Grace-Psalm 45:1-3

Let’s take a walk in our memory and how we are filled up when we think about our new romantic relationship; our up and coming marriage; our spouse; the birth of our child. When we think of those things we are filled up with happiness; you know that warm and fuzzy feeling that we have each time we…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 27, 2012 at 12:16pm — No Comments

Forgiveness-Psalm 130:3-5

The LORD JESUS asked this question to those who wanted to condemn another for sin; “who among you is without sin”? I bless the LORD with my entire soul because although I'm saved; I'm forgiven; I'm no longer guilty; I don’t have a sin or guilt conscience. Within me is still the ability to conduct…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 24, 2012 at 9:16am — No Comments

Faith-Habakkuk 2:4

By faith we follow HIM who leads to life and victory. By faith we trust in HIM no matter what the circumstances look like. So who is this HIM that leads to life and victory; who is this that we are willing to trust regardless how many times we are knocked down? Let me introduce to some and…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 20, 2012 at 4:31pm — No Comments

Faith-Matthew 6:30

Which department store are you rushing to for that so called great sale? How many clothes do you have in your closet that still has tags on them? How much debt are you in that you either have not paid or you are still…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 20, 2012 at 2:56pm — No Comments

JESUS-Matthew 4:1-18

It is encouraging to know that the Word of GOD has already informed HIS children that temptation is common to mankind. As long as we are in the Word of GOD we will be exposed to temptation. This is why we must always be on watch; not to the point of being paranoid but aware of the enemy’s…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 18, 2012 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Redemption-Psalm 111:9

The CHRISTian has so much to be thankful for. CHRIST JESUS purchased the sinner with HIS own life. The debt is paid for clear and free with no worries. The sinner has been recovered from the clutches of the enemy. The sinner has been released from bondage and restored from captivity. Mankind has…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 17, 2012 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Mercy-Matthew 23:23

This scripture deals with minimal performance. Here it is said that there are three things that matter:

Judgment-make a decision, form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, wisely,…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 16, 2012 at 1:09pm — No Comments

Love-Mark 12:23

We are commanded to love the true and living GOD with our whole heart. Here is a wee bit of a test that you can give to yourself to find out if you are doing just that.

1.      When you become…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 13, 2012 at 10:34am — No Comments

Healing-Matthew 4:23

Our loving GOD’s Word informs us that JESUS went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing [all] kinds of sickness and diseases among the people. We are to do just what JESUS did but most of us don’t due to beliefs or faith. JESUS said “Most assuredly, I say…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 12, 2012 at 4:14pm — No Comments

Holy Spirit-Matthew 3:11

Why is it that we don’t see more of our sisters and brothers living in victory as we are to live? I believe that it’s because they have not made JESUS their LORD yet HE is their Savior. What makes JESUS our LORD is our being sealed in the Holy Spirit whose job is to witness to us continually…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 11, 2012 at 9:55am — No Comments

Grace-Luke 2:40

The born again believer will say that they are now under the grace dispensation or that grace and mercy will follow them all the days of their lives. Yet, they will ask for favor from the LORD GOD. Grace is favor which means nothing lacking; nothing lost. All born again believers has GODs goodwill with them at all times. Grace has given us eternal immunity from the devil and his devices. We are to live and walk in divine…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 11, 2012 at 9:37am — No Comments

Forgiveness-Mark 11:25

We all want to be forgiven of the LORD GOD and that’s a good thing. But, what about person to person? Just as we want to be forgiven we should be ready and willing to forgive those who have said or done something towards us that is negative. Did you know that when we don’t forgive…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 11, 2012 at 9:13am — No Comments

Faith-2 Timothy 4:7

What is your battle? Have you endured with faith; never giving up but pushing through all the pain; all the heart ache; all the disappointments in life? This is what it means to fight the fight of faith. No matter what is thrown at you; you continue to get up; dust yourself off and push through…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 6, 2012 at 3:48pm — No Comments

JESUS-Luke 1:31-35

As stated in the book of Isaiah “the LORD HIMSELF will give you…”Behold, the virgin shall conceive, bear a Son and call HIS name Immanuel.” Immanuel means GOD with us. I'm getting excited just to write this; the LORD HIMSELF left all behind and placed…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 4, 2012 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Holy Spirit-Job 33:4

Every man is created of the LORD GOD but every man is not a child of the LORD GOD. Who is the LORD GOD? HE is FATHER; the only begotten SON of the FATHER and the Holy Spirit of the Living and True GOD Almighty. HE is the breath of Life which gives life to mankind. In Genesis when the LORD GOD…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on April 3, 2012 at 3:27pm — No Comments

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