The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Luke 2:48-49

How many of us know the difference between a father and a daddy? A father is the one which is your ancestor biologically. A daddy however; is the one who puts in the quality time; the one who is there for the child mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. JESUS has the best of both just as most of us do. Let me remind you of this fact; GOD is Spirit and those that worship HIM must do so in spirit and in truth; John 4:24. GOD the FATHER did not come down from heaven to do fatherly things as we know how a father is with his children. This is why HE gave JESUS an earthly father who could and would; his name is Joseph . How many of us have ever paired the two fathers up to see who lacked what?

Joseph, the earthly father of JESUS.

Earthly provider: clothes, education, food,  job skill, shelter.

Whatever JESUS needed in the natural; Joseph was there to see that his Son received it.

GOD The FATHER; JESUS biological Father.

Spiritual provider: clothes, education, food, job skill, shelter.

From what is written above; I did not see a lack on Joseph’s part; yet, Joseph is spoken of like a second class citizen from us and we need to stop this. In fact JESUS  loves; obeyed and respected HIS earthly father. They were in the family business together; Joseph and Son Carpentry. Their motto was: Makers of all your family furniture. And JESUS loves, obeyed and respected HIS biological  FATHER as well. They too were in the family business together; FATHER  and SON adoption. Their motto is: To redeem; save; heal; deliver and provide you with a living eternal life filled with an inheritance.

From the very beginning JESUS explained that HE must be about HIS FATHER’s business and HE never once strayed from that goal and vision. JESUS fulfilled every task set before HIM from HIS FATHER. How many times did JESUS acknowledge that HE is the SON of the Living GOD?

  • § Matthew 18
  • § Mark 2
  • § Luke 9
  • § John 56

And GOD the FATHER acknowledged JESUS as HIS SON several times also.

  • § Matthew 2
  • § Mark 3
  • § Luke 3
  • § John 9

Throughout the gospels JESUS  kept referring to HIS FATHER as our  or the FATHER. I think that HE wanted us to get used to the fact that HE is someone with we can have a loving relationship with. Some of us may not have a living father ; others may have to deal with the shame of having an absent father. Because our heavenly FATHER knew that this will be the case for some; he has blessed us with dads. These great men of honor fill in that gap left on us by our fathers. This is so that there will not be this large hole in our hearts in the shape of a father. These dads are there for us emotionally, financially, mentally  and physically much like Joseph was  there for his Son JESUS. JESUS  biological FATHER was not an absent FATHER; HE did not clothe HIMself to be a Father to HIMself [in a sense]. However, GOD did cloth HIMself to be a son; JESUS being full man and full GOD took on the likeness of sinful flesh; yet HE knew no sin. Romans 8:3, GOD sending HIS own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh; 1 Timothy 3:16, GOD was manifest in the flesh. You know every person who claims to be a son or daughter of the Living GOD can call HIM FATHER. However, many of us don’t feel comfortable to do so. Why is that? Also many of us who claim to be Christians; don’t follow what the FATHER has for us and many of us don’t share what the FATHER has in store for others. If we are to take on the title Christian; than we must be about our FATHER’s business in every way. We must first become obedient to the FATHER’s will. Secondly, live a life of  forgiveness, grace, love and mercy just as the FATHER gives to us all day and every day. Lastly, we must tell others of the FATHER’s love; ensure with others how the FATHER sees life for us; speak in the manner in which our heavenly FATHER desires us to speak; hear HIS words. Take on HIS character and people will see your integrity as being befitting of a kingdom child and citizen of heaven. JESUS never did anything for HIS own pleasure because HIS pleasure was to fulfill the will of the FATHER. We must always take self inventory so that we can question ourselves as to which father are we serving. Hopefully; each day we will willfully fulfill the will of The FATHER.

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