The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Mt. 23:9; 26:39, 42; 28:19

Call no man your father on the earth; constitute no man the father of our relationship in CHRIST JESUS. No man is the author, director, founder, and governor, of it. It’s acceptable to call the father of our flesh father for love and respect sake. GOD only must be allowed as the FATHER of our spirits; Heb. 12:9. Our relationship must not be derived from or made to depend on any man. We are born again to the spiritual and divine life, not of corruptible seed, but by the word of GOD; not of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of GOD. The will of man is not the author of our relationship and must not be the rule of our relationship with CHRIST JESUS. One is our FATHER, who is in heaven. GOD is our FATHER, and is All in all in our relationship with HIM. HE is the Life of it; it’s Founder; the Fountain of it and its LORD. HE alone, is the Original, our spiritual life is derived from HIM and HE is the One on whom we are to depend. HE is the FATHER of all lights that; One FATHER  from whom all things are in HIM. JESUS CHRIST having taught us to say, Our FATHER, who is in heaven. There is not one man on earth that does good and sin not. Therefore no one is fit to be called Father of our spirit. And because we only have one FATHER we should have a strong desire to want to please HIM. We may or may not understand what HE has in store for us; however, we are to trust in HIM completely. Our FATHER is our LORD; our entire heart should belong to HIM; our FATHER is the only One who will successfully direct our paths. This is why JESUS did the complete will of the FATHER. Don’t believe that for one moment JESUS wanted to die; what man is every ready to die? However, because HE had complete and total faith in HIS FATHER; HE was able to restore mankind back to our creator so that we too may call HIM FATHER.

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