The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

1 John 1:9

I believe that this word has been misrepresented when it comes into the hearing of those who desire to live a righteous life in JESUS. For years when I would hear “If we confess our sins” and I would think that I will never be free from sin. I had a mentality of constantly thinking about what I'm doing wrong versus whom I am and how the LORD GOD sees me. What JESUS has done for me and the victory of the promises that I could be walking in. You can agree or disagree with me but now that I know who I am in CHRIST JESUS and what has been done for me and how to live in victory. I know longer waste my time thinking about the wrong I'm doing throughout the day. Each day; each month and each year since I stopped being tormented about what I could possibly be thinking; saying or doing wrong; I found myself transforming all the more to the image of CHRIST JESUS. My love for HIM gave me a conscience not to displease him much like my effort with my parents or children. When I was a kid I had always been thoughtful about my parents; if they found out that I was doing something that would upset them should I be doing that thing. As a mother with children I always put my children first in my thought; if my children found out that I was doing this or that would that embarrass them; cause them to become angry with me. Now I'm not writing that I'm perfect and I have sinned and made plenty mistakes in my life and I still do. The difference is that I don’t practice sin and when I do sin it is a mistake because I have sinned without realizing it. I don’t want to do anything that will hurt the heart of my FATHER or my LORD JESUS. When I realize that I have sinned I simple say to my FATHER; “oh gosh, DADDY I did this or I did that” and it’s over. Why is it over; because I know that GOD sees me as righteous and once I confess that I did something against GOD’s desire for my life; I keep it moving. Sometimes the Holy Spirit has to let me know about something I did or said and I confess; ooh yep I did do or say that; sorry. Let’s look at it this way confession is admitting that we were in the wrong. If you took a magazine that does not belong to you from a Doctor’s office; do you take it back or keep it. Integrity would direct you to either take it back or mail it back. In this act you are confessing that you took the magazine in error. Not returning the magazine is straight up rebellion and when the Holy Spirit speaks to you about this and you shrug it off or say something like it will never be missed or everyone takes a magazine. You are not confessing to the wrong that you did. This opens the door for darkness to creep in and the more you don’t confess what you’ve done the more you will become what you did; a liar and a thief. Never allow the circumstances of life or yourself to remove you from the fellowship with the LORD GOD; remain blood righteous in the blood of JESUS. Don’t live your life paranoid by your actions or what you may have said; when you are in true fellowship with the Holy Spirit; He will let you know when you’ve done or said something displeasing to GOD or you may catch yourself. Live your life in total freedom and fellowship with DAD.

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