The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Do you know what it takes to be bitter or to have bitterness towards someone? Most people don’t; let me share the attributes we active when bitterness is alive within us.

  • Anger
  • Conflict
  • Envy
  • Hate
  • Jealousy
  • Revenge

Once we open that door to bitterness; that spirit becomes a part of us and we house all six of those accompany spirits within us. Our soul dies a little each day never enjoying the pleasure of true happiness; joy or peace. Bitterness causes us to become restless and we tend to look for trouble. Bitterness is housed in our heart when we sit back and think of ways to cause harm to another person or when we desire to have what another person has. Now I'm not saying that people or circumstances will not cause us to become angry; anger is a natural emotion. But it’s how we handle that emotion that could get us in hot water. It would be better to cool down then try and speak with the individual who provoked us to become angry and calmly relate how that affected us without screaming and yelling; name calling; threats and such. When a circumstance happens that causes us to become angry; this is our opportunity to right a wrong. When JESUS became angry HE turned over the tables and let them know that what they were doing was wrong. Then HE made it right by healing the sick and teaching moments later. When we satisfy that spirit of bitterness; we have a false sense of peace that last only for a moment and then the desire to feed that spirit again with hate for self and others is on the prowl to enact harm either emotionally, physically or mentally. Bitterness leaves no room for true life enjoyment because it’s a spirit that is selfish; we find it impossible to have a conversation with others because we are argumentative. We are never happy for the accomplishments others make so we must find ways to tear down what others have. People who are bitter hold grudges and plot revenge that is either critical or fatal. People who are bitter do not know what love is at all; they have been rejected of love so to love another is impossible. Each person must understand that we must first love ourselves before we can share love for others and receive love from others. Love will never keep track of the hurt and disappointments another person caused us. Realize that bitterness is as poisoness as arsenic. It’s as dangerous as acid. If we have a spirit of bitterness; I suggest that we confess that to the LORD GOD and ask HIM to cleanse us of bitterness; remove bitterness far from us. Then ask the LORD GOD to replace bitterness with pure love as the LORD CHRIST JESUS loves and to fill us with HIS Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will bring with Him the following attributes.

  • Faithfulness
  • Gentleness
  • Goodness
  • Joy
  • Kindness
  • Longsuffering
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Self-control

When we look at the difference; which would we prefer to have in our life?


Job 21:25, Proverbs 14:10; Isaiah 38:17; Acts 8:23; Ephesians 4:26, 31 & Hebrews 12:15

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