The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

A New Year but our God Remains Unchanged

Like the woman with the issue of blood in need of healing...for approximately 12 years or more I’ve spent time in the Ministry of  God trying to  blend in......but from .this moment forward I will be standing up and standing out in the name of Jesus; watch the move of God; for as the youth of today would say... I’m on my grind!

2012 is going 2B an abundantly blessed &  powerful year 4 the saints who really get it, God wants more than just an appearance of Holiness or lip service, and yea, 2 those who have a form of God-worship & R far from His power, He knows them not... and He is snatching the covers off one by one. And, 4 those who have repented & have an ear 2 hear there is restoration. And, 4 those who have been held back, silenced, beat down for His sake, you will see His movement 2 His Glory as the chains of rejection and bondage of man’s way of doing things fall off of U.


B thankful things being as well as they R...reasonable health according 2 God’s grace, sight, hearing, balance, the air 2 breathe, the ability 2 breathe without aides, the use of our limbs, food, shelter, some form of income, the ability 2 dress ourselves, oh GOD there R so many things that we take 4 granted until they’re gone. Like the mind & heart 2 treat all people right& with respect regardless... the grace to say I’m sorry & the sense 2 line up with the will of God. I'm living the way God says live.


Just praising & blessing God & forgetting not HIS benefits; there is a Clarion Call  of God, it’s no longer business as usual; no more excuses about who won’t allow U or who is  placing stumbling blocks.  God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, & of love, & of a sound mind & if God B4U who can B against U; chains & bondage R broken, walk N your anointing.

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