The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 3

Being handicapped is a disadvantage to accomplish what is perceived as normal daily activities due to limitations. The world has a disadvantage when it comes to thinking about being handicapped; this is due to not having a clear understanding what it means to be handicapped. Oh sure, we recognize what we see; for instance when a person is lame in the flesh by the limbs or due to mental instability. These types of disabilities are easily recognized by the world and they are provided with special parking; parking tags; parking plaques; discounted transportation fees and more. However, there is another type of handicapped that the world is not so ready to accept due to spiritual blindness and deafness and that is the disadvantage of the spirit of man. It is a handicap to be a sinner; living in spiritual darkness; being deaf to the gospel of the living LORD GOD; mute to speaking HIS Word over your own life and others. Not having the ability to live a life filled with favor because you are not an Overcomer and you are not a victor but a victim. It’s disgraceful to see a church on every block or within a half mile of each other and not see the people of the living GOD living a full life filled with favor. Having the favor of the LORD GOD will bring to your life nothing lacking and nothing lost. Take a look at the lame man who was carried everyday to the church and placed right in front of the entryway to beg for money. Even if they had not heard of or witnessed JESUS healing many among them; during the time of the law the sick were still divinely healed. This let me know that the Priest of this church as well as the people did not believe in healing or did not believe that this man could be healed. But as I have read the Old Testament records those who had leprosy were healed and this was considered far worse. If you had leprosy you were outcast not able to speak or touch your family and friends ever again and then evicted to live in a colony filled with leapers. At least the lame could stay home but they were groomed to be professional beggars. The beggar always had a spirit of expectation it’s just that he was not aware that his expectation outweighed his inability to remain disable. The lame man expecting to receive money from Peter and John; did not realize that they had no money to give. Yet they gave the greatest gift of all; JESUS. We limit what we have because our minds are trained to look at the tangible; if we can see it; smell it; taste it; touch it or hear it; it’s real. Faith does not operate in this manner. It was not that the man’s faith because he had no idea what Peter and John were offering him and it happened so quickly he did not have time to reason the fact that he is lame. Peter and John wanted the lame man to take his focus off of his affliction and all those who were around him and to focus on them. Peter told the man that he did not have what he wanted but he has something that he needs.  By invoking the name of JESUS and by faith putting action to work; immediately strength came to his feet. Here is a foot note; just because you don’t see or feel that healing is taking place in your body does not mean that it’s not happening. Immediately after invoking the name of JESUS making your request known and applying action to your faith the atmosphere begins to change. You just can’t reason yourself or speak against what the living GOD has done in your life. You are to praise the LORD GOD regardless. In some cases you will notice immediately and in other cases people will see what the LORD GOD has or is doing in your life. The church meaning CHRISTians; must stop being surprised at what they witness and consider what the LORD GOD is doing is the norm. Being without is abnormal. Realize that the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and your name here; the GOD of our fathers glorified HIS Servant JESUS, the Prince of life whom GOD raised from the dead. HIS name through faith in HIS name make all strong and whole. Faith coming through JESUS will give us perfect soundness. If you don’t have a relationship with JESUS; repent and become a child of the MOST HIGH LORD GOD; that your sins be washed out and that you will be refreshed because of the presence of the LORD. CHRIST JESUS is being preached to you; the LORD GOD has raised up for you a Prophet. In HIM you will hear whatever HE says to you. Every soul who will not hear this Prophet JESUS will be destroyed. But to those who hear; you are a seed of Abraham and blessed; GOD rose up HIS Servant JESUS and sent HIM to bless you in turning away from your sins.

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