The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 2

My beloved; whether I know you or not understand what you are about to read. Why is it that blood washed; born again CHRISTians are divided with each other? Why are we so focused on denomination and traditions? Do you realize that it is this type of poison that keeps us from being all that we are to be in the LORD CHRIST JESUS? We are to be on one accord in our heart; pooh-pooh on what denomination you are; what color you are; what traditions you observe. What matters is that we all accept and recognize that the LORD GOD gave HIS only begotten SON, JESUS as a ransom to redeem us from the curse of the law which is found in Deuteronomy 28. Born-again CHRISTians must stop playing games and being foolish about small insignificant things that mean absolutely nothing in the kingdom of heaven. We are our own worst enemy because instead of focusing on how the LORD CHRIST JESUS would have us to think; see; hear; speak; move and love we focus on matters that don’t help anyone. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and I hope that you are; but then again that maybe the problem there; maybe you are not baptized in the Spirit of the LORD GOD and this is why there are so many defeated in the church. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a 100% guarantee that you will speak in tongues; though I would suggest that you desire to speak to the LORD GOD in a spiritual language that will be just between you and HE. But understand that if or when you do speak in a tongue it’s not a made up language. Speaking in tongues is a language that is known within every nation under heaven; it is often called an unknown tongue because you have not been taught to speak that particular language. In other words if your native tongue is English and you speak in an unknown tongue like Japanese. It’s only unknown to you but it’s known to the LORD GOD and to the native of Japan or the person who studied that language. Speaking in tongues is a wonderful desire to have from the LORD GOD and will be given to you for the asking. I remember taking Spanish from the 6th grade through the 9th grade and I was okay but then I had a stroke and forgot all that I had learned. One day in a mall I was looking at some baseball caps and a dear Hispanic was near and spoke Spanish only. I remembered how to say JESUS in Spanish and I said that to him and he ran off in his native tongue. As I stood there with big eyes thinking to myself; uh-oh, I messed up I don’t know what he is saying. All of a sudden I knew that the Holy Spirit had taken over the conversation and I began to speak fluent Spanish to the guy and we had an awesome time celebrating JESUS in praise. I knew that to be the Holy Spirit because when I hear Hispanic people speak; I don’t know what they are saying and it all sounds like gibberish to me. The LORD GOD HIMSELF proclaimed that in the last days HE will pour out HIS SPIRIT on all flesh. You people who don’t want to see women in ministry unless we serve in a domestic role; administrative role; Sunday school teacher and such need to get a grip on reality. Men and Women will be used to prophesy; have visions and dreams. It is the LORD GOD HIMSELF who will send signs in the earth before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. Whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. CHRIST JESUS is not dead or somewhere asleep. The LORD GOD raised CHRIST JESUS up and loosed the pains of death; it was not possible that HE could be held captive by that. CHRIST JESUS was raised up and all blood washed; born-again CHRISTians are to be witnesses to this fact. CHRIST JESUS has been exalted to the right hand of the FATHER GOD and as promised we can receive the Holy Spirit; because the FATHER has promised to pour out among HIS children. JESUS CHRIST was crucified but the LORD GOD our FATHER has made CHRIST JESUS both LORD and CHRIST. What must we do to receive salvation and the Holy Spirit? Repent and be baptized in the name of CHRIST JESUS for the remissions of sins; we will receive the Holy Spirit as promised. This promise was to those that were alive when JESUS walked this earth in flesh and for all generations afterward. Thank you JESUS; I am one of the generations that received the promise. The Holy Spirit is a gift given to you if you are informed about this gift immediately after you are saved from this perverse generation. The LORD GOD called you and you answered; so when we witness to the lost let us not forget to request that our new brother and sister be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who will witness to us about CHRIST JESUS and make it possible to be Overcomers; Powerful and Victorious. So let us who have accepted CHRIST JESUS be together and have the love of CHRIST JESUS in common among us. Let this love which comes from CHRIST JESUS help those in our community and church home as needed. Daily we must be on one accord not just at Saturday or Sunday worship service or bible study because if you can turn it on and off just for these days you don’t have the Holy Spirit living inside of you anyway. Together we are to praise the LORD GOD and because we allow the Holy Spirit to live in us we in turn will receive favor with all people and we will see an increase daily in our community and church home and those who come will be genuinely saved.

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