The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

GOD’s righteousness is made clear to HIS children through relationship with HIM in which there is no other way to obtain this understanding. JESUS obeyed the precepts and bore the penalty of the law and because of this; HIS children are justified in the sight of their FATHER. This is known as the righteousness of GOD. Our ABBA DADDY sent JESUS HIS only begotten SON to save mankind from sin; all that JESUS went through on our behalf was approved and accepted by the FATHER. JESUS who is the author and finisher of our faith presented to us complete obedience even unto death. The Holy Spirit witnesses the works of JESUS to the children of GOD; we all have a measure of faith. The Holy Spirit will pronounce the sentence of justification to the conscience of man in the place of being sentenced to death as we were before. The righteousness of GOD cannot be known through good works of mankind or the laws of Moses; natural man will never understand GOD’s righteousness but spiritual man enjoys the relationship between JESUS and man. In other words the righteousness of GOD through relationship with JESUS is revealed to believers only. Religion does not have the permission required to obtain GOD’s righteousness; relationship does. Faith to faith is passed on from one to another; the LORD GOD to the prophets of old; the preachers to the hearers; Old Testament saints to New Testament saints; this degree of faith increases with clear insight of our JESUS; Habakkuk 2:4. The just lives by faith not because he/she thinks that he/she is righteous or because another proclaims that he/she is so. But because JESUS made it so; mankind can do nothing in his/her own strength to obtain righteousness from GOD; we are not well equipped for this. Living by faith in CHRIST JESUS is knowing; who HE is and who we are in HIM. True believers must live a spiritual life of justification; holiness; communion and of peace and joy through CHRIST JESUS.

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