The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

What is your battle? Have you endured with faith; never giving up but pushing through all the pain; all the heart ache; all the disappointments in life? This is what it means to fight the fight of faith. No matter what is thrown at you; you continue to get up; dust yourself off and push through in the spirit of the LORD GOD. The LORD GOD has placed on each and every one of our lives a course in life that we are to begin; go on with and finish. Many may not complete the task because they will have aborted the mission due to sin. Many drug dealers may have the course of being an entrepreneur etched on their lives because they understand supply and demand. But they don’t understand the complete scope of business and success because many remain financially poor; strung on out on their own product and undisciplined. Many times if they are blessed enough to be arrested; they may hone in on their true calling in life because they have nowhere to go and their time must be fulfilled with keeping busy in the limited span of time that they have. So they concentrate on what is pulling on them from deep within them. Unfortunately if or when they are released they return back to the vomit which is their lifestyle and neglect the true call that GOD has placed within them. In this scripture; when Timothy has professed that he has finished his course; he knows that he is coming to the end of his earthly life. I believe that just as he knew that his time was winding up many people whether they lived a fulfilled life or not know when the time has come for them to depart this life. Unless your life is being taken due to violent murder; the person knows. This small window of time is your chance to get your spirit right with the FATHER GOD. But there are many who through stubbornness of will or just have never heard of the gospel will deny JESUS in their very last minutes and slip away to an eternal hell.  For those who have received and kept the faith their life has not been a waste; they have given the FATHER GOD all they had and all they were to fulfill the complete desire that the LORD GOD had for their life. We will leave this side of heaven knowing that we have accomplished the goal; the assignment for our lives. We are further refreshed knowing that their simply is nothing left for us to do. We understand that our merciful profession of faith has been fulfilled without waiver in our faith. We have held close to the doctrine of our faith which is committed to us. We have remained pure in our motives; we stood up against all the corruption and opposition. We have kept our integrity in JESUS and remained faithful to HIM alone in our ministry. It does not matter what type of steward the LORD GOD has created you to be; your ministry could actually be the person who is the greater of a food chain or one who practices law. It’s not necessary that you need be a recognized minister of the gospel. Standing at a bus stop and having a beautiful conversation with another could save the life of another who could be contemplating suicide. But because of the course the LORD GOD has placed deep inside of you; you can encourage people without quoting scripture. Our lives reflect our ministry; our lives will vividly explain to the stranger who we serve. What is your course of life; where is your faith; how do you exercise your faith? If you don’t remember or know how to examine what course your life has been marked with; start with asking someone that knew you when you were a tiny tot. Ask that person what is it that you used to say you wanted to be when you grow-up. Ask what is it that you used to spend a lot of time doing before you got off your course. What is it that drives you; find out how you hone in on your craft. Get an education that will direct you into how to properly execute your course. Make the most critical decision you will ever make in your entire life. Listen to the gospel; accept who JESUS is; believe by faith that JESUS is who HE say HE is and have done what HE has done; believe that JESUS will do what HE say HE will do. Allow HIM to guide you in the course of life that HE has for you. When you place all you are into HIS hands; you too will be able to say at the end of your race; at the end of the course that you too have finished well. Because you have kept the faith.

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