The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

No man can come to ME. This is pretty straightforward and plain. JESUS is letting us know that we don’t choose HIM; HE chooses us. People are incapable to turning to JESUS because people don’t realize that they are in need of JESUS. Our spirit is turned off to the need of righteousness. We don’t realize that the things that we think; see; say; listen to and speak are sinful. We count our lives as normal. When in fact; there is nothing normal about our lives at all. Our lives are filled with darkness and death. However, JESUS did not leave us here with that statement; HE added except the FATHER which has sent ME; draw him. You see we have to be drawn to JESUS and this is done by hearing the Word of GOD. The LORD GOD will use laborers in the form of family; friends; strangers; gospel tracts; CHRISTian/gospel music or preachers to speak and when we hear the Word of GOD being spoken to our hearts then we hear the call of GOD from the Holy Spirit bidding us to come. Man cannot take responsibility that they have saved anyone or that they can save themselves; man is used as a willing vessel by the LORD GOD to usher other people into HIS presence. Persuasion is in no wise used to come to CHRIST as a matter of fact if persuasion is used and one comes it’s more than likely not genuine. We must know what sin is; what the penalty of sin is; what repentance is; how to repent; what is salvation and who can save mankind? Also we can’t find grace because we don’t know what grace is. Grace is unmerited favor that can only come from the LORD GOD HIMSELF. As I stated; we don’t know that we are lost so how can we know that we must be found? JESUS is not lost and has no need to be found. It is an error of description we mankind tell someone that they found JESUS. How does one find anyone that was never lost? Mankind deserves to be punished but GOD loves mankind too much to let mankind perish. HE has given us HIS SON JESUS who took every sin mankind can do and not do on HIS own body. JESUS paid that awful price; JESUS was sentenced to death for you and me. The greatest service that we can do is to accept HIS gift of life from the never ending fire of hell; torment and death. The LORD GOD; JESUS and the Holy Spirit desire that we spend our eternity with Them. To complete our earthly life experiencing the promises of GOD. I urge the reader that does not have a relationship with JESUS to experience the Grace that can only come from HIM. Choose today who you will serve.

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