The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

The Lady Is A Leader And She's Conscious



WOP 2013 New ImageI can only imagine you saying, "of course I'm conscious"!  You may exclaim, I am wide awake, ready to face the day with vigor and vitality.  I would however beg to differ in some cases.  Being awake does not always mean consciousness.  The definition of consciousness is to be awake AND aware; to be awake AND understand what is going on around you. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.Com)

Moreso than not, I believe we find ourselves moving in a state of sub-consciousness.  We become immune to the taunts, we learn to shake off the sneers,  and we become less apt to speak on issues or causes which are dear to our hearts.  We have increased our level of tolerance so that we don't offend those who don't agree with what we believe.  Unfortunately these type of actions cause us to slip ever so slowly into a state of sub-consciousness, which if not addressed immediately we each may become unconscious.


By now, I am sure you have realized, you are peculiar, you think outside of the box, and you don't fit in with the cliques.  I also trust you understand how valuable it is to be unique.  Yet I must impress upon your heart to become more "conscious".  The Apostle Paul addressed the church at Thessalonica reminding them, that at one time they were vibrant, on fire and excited about their assignment, they were once filled with the vigor and vitality I spoke of initially.  Yet now, their consciousness with dwindling, Paul expressed to them not to fall asleep, or in other words don't lose consciousness as others have.

I am sure we've met others along this journey who were on fire in their walk with the Lord,  their family was thriving, and their career appeared to be moving forth in the fast lane.  Yet, now you no longer see the spark of excitement in their eyes.  The brilliant smile is no longer present, even the morale of those around them has hit an all- time low...What happened you may ask?

Let's look at a couple of aspects of consciousness:

  • Awake and Aware:  This gives us the ability to watch, see with a spiritual eye, discern what is positioned for our lives and dismiss or remove that which is not.  Being awake and aware is two- fold,  it places us in a state of consciousness as well as being alert and sensitive to who or what enters our atmosphere.lady1


  • Awake and Understand: This aspect of consciousness, places each of us in a position to open our spiritual awareness.   This level of consciousness is to the point we are "sober-minded", cautious in decisions, and understand with diligence the importance of repentance and walking upright in the Word of God.lady 2

As we are completing the first quarter of the year.  I impress upon you to celebrate your uniqueness, our theme scripture says "let us not sleep as others do".  You were not meant to be a carbon copy of someone else.  You are alive, awake and conscious!  You find joy in what causes others to slumber.  You become alive in a task others may feel is overbearing.  You are awake, and every fiber of your being is crying out, I no longer have on grave clothes!  Every bit of your heart is singing, I am Free, Praise the Lord I'm Free!



Walk In Power,

Dr.  BJ Relefourd

Lady LaKesia Scott- Editorial Proofreader

Women of Power Woman of the Year 2014

Lady Lakesia and Pastor BJ

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