The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe's Blog – February 2013 Archive (8)

I love my femininity

1 Peter 3: 3-4

This blog is for me; however, I don’t mind sharing with my sisters what the LORD is reminding me of. My grandmother taught me well regarding relationship between a man and woman. I also taught my daughter what my grandmother taught me. However, there is always someone who we females will give into. Who we did not allow to labor for our affection. That person may break our heart…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 28, 2013 at 3:42am — No Comments

We too are living stones.

1 Peter 2

We come to JESUS the living stone; that is rejected; yet, chosen by the LORD GOD Most High as precious. We too are living stones who are being built up as a spiritual house. We are a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to GOD through JESUS CHRIST. We must lay aside; get rid of all hatred towards people; especially…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 19, 2013 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Where is your hope?

1 Peter 1

According to the dictionary; hope is the expectations of where we center our attention. Who or what do you center your attention on? How often do you remind yourself of the love that you have from The FATHER and JESUS? How often do you remind yourself of the price paid for your sins? How often do you remind yourself of who you are in CHRIST JESUS? These are just some of the questions I…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 18, 2013 at 2:07pm — No Comments

For the believer in JESUS The CHRIST

2 Peter 3

Brothers and sisters of mine in CHRIST JESUS; we have to remember this; the Lord JESUS views 1 day as 1000 years and 1000 years as 1 day. Oh, how clear and plain this is; JESUS in earth time was crucified 2,013 years ago but in HIS time it has been 2 days ago. Some of you may have your head cocked like an inquisitive dog and some of you maybe shouting because you’ve caught on. Now,…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 15, 2013 at 11:12am — No Comments

Temptation - 2 Peter 2:9

The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation.

Hey beloved human; you will be tempted. Stop tripping, being tempted is not a sin. It’s the following through and depending on what that temptation is that can be the sin. All humans are tempted to eat something that we know we like and are harmful to us; but it may not cause us to die or become very ill. For…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 14, 2013 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Be encouraged my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS

2 Peter 1

Though I'm writing today’s blog to all of my siblings in CHRIST JESUS; I think that this is really for the less mature. For the baby in CHRIST JESUS and for those who believe that they can do what they wanna do and still have a relationship with JESUS. Our faith in CHRIST JESUS is very precious; I like to think that it’s far more precious than all the money the world can print. All the…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 12, 2013 at 9:06am — No Comments

Your faith in CHRIST JESUS causes you to overcome

1 John 5

Many say that they believe in GOD; however, I always need to know what god? You see, I understand that anything and anyone can be perceived as god. Another reason is that the devil also believes in GOD and that belief has not caused him to repent. After all; he once resided with the Most High GOD as an archangel so it’s not so much that he believes; he knows that there is a creative GOD.…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 8, 2013 at 8:11am — No Comments

GOD is Love

1 John 4

We have heard that GOD is a GOD of Love most or all of our life. However, do we truly believe that HE is? I truly don’t believe that most of us do; this includes those that do have a relationship with HIS SON, JESUS. Why am I being so bold to write such an accusation as this? Because for many weeks now I have been sitting back listening and watching the saints and the soon to be saints. And, I am…


Added by Elder-Shawn Denise Briscoe on February 6, 2013 at 12:16pm — No Comments

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