The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Be encouraged my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS

2 Peter 1
Though I'm writing today’s blog to all of my siblings in CHRIST JESUS; I think that this is really for the less mature. For the baby in CHRIST JESUS and for those who believe that they can do what they wanna do and still have a relationship with JESUS. Our faith in CHRIST JESUS is very precious; I like to think that it’s far more precious than all the money the world can print. All the precious metals found in the ground as well as precious stones. To be honest with you; I consider my faith with JESUS more precious than my very life. Reason being, I don’t have a life apart from JESUS. Our FATHER GOD and HIS SON, JESUS has made us righteous through our faith in CHRIST JESUS. We obtain multiplied grace and peace as our knowledge of our FATHER and our Saviour JESUS who is our LORD is made clearer to us day by day. Relationships are not formed by a first time meeting; that’s just a start. A relationship has to be nourished with love from all who are involved. In a relationship it is vital that conversation is formed between the interested parties often. Our FATHER has given to us all a divine power that involves life and godliness through the knowledge that we obtain from the reading of the Word; our constant conversation with HIM and divine teaching from the Holy Spirit. JESUS has made promises to us that we will know nothing about if we don’t build a relationship with HIM. Most of our suffering is self inflicted because we don’t know who we are in CHRIST JESUS or what we have through JESUS. We must build on our faith. In 2 Peter 1:5-7; I will like to break down each word to help us all understand just how we build on our most precious faith.

Faith – Confidence, trust, belief not built on sight, obligation of loyalty and fidelity.
Virtue – Moral excellence.
Knowledge – Facts, truth, principles, study or investigate, experience, clear and certain of mental understanding and to be aware.
Self Control – Restrain yourself of actions.
Perseverance – Maintain a purpose despite difficulties.
Godliness – Having a relationship with JESUS.
Brotherly Kindness – Affectionate and loyal; loving, mild, gentle, considerate, helpful and humane.
Love – Affectionate, passionate, tender and enthusiastic.

Our faith in JESUS requires us to build on our faith and after providing the breakdown of each essential quality that we all must possess. There is no reason for us not to desire to become fruitful in our knowledge of JESUS CHRIST because HE alone is our LORD and if HE lives in us and we in HIM then our character and integrity will reflect our most precious faith in HIM. We have to remove those blinders; JESUS took the scales from our eyes once we accepted HIM but some of us have placed blinders on like we see on horses or have blind folds. We can’t forget that we have been washed clean way down deep inside from our sins. So be diligent live as JESUS desire for us to live and we will not stumble. Stir up yourself by reminding yourself of JESUS and what HE has done for you. Be careful to always have a reminder with you such as listen to CHRISTian radio broadcasts; CHRISTian teachings on your MP3 or CD player; when taking a break read at least 1 or 2 scriptures; talk to your DADDY; socialize with your brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS. Stop following nonsense regarding JESUS; know HIM for yourself; get into HIS Word so that you will not be lead astray. JESUS received from HIS DADDY glory when HIS DADDY’S voice came to HIM from the Excellent Glory HIMSELF. GOD said, “This is MY beloved SON, in HIM I AM well pleased.” Don’t you want to hear this as well, I know that I do. Actually, I have; my DADDY has told me from time to time that HE is pleased with me and I nearly lost it shouting and praising GOD for telling me that. JESUS is the prophetic promise that was shown and told to us all over the Old Testament; that promise was finally confirmed and we do well to recognize that it is the light of JESUS that shines within our hearts.

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