The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Two pennies to rub together....Go Widow Woman!

Luke 21: 2 - And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.

OK, so now you know that I LOVE women, hey, I am one myself! ;)

I read this passage and it blessed me so. I thought about some of the women that I have known that had to give their husbands up in death. They didn't
just fall away, they didn't just give up.

Strong women that had lives of their own, and didn't vicariously live through their husband or children.

Sometimes we are known as "So-and-so's wife, or so-and-so's Mom. It's almost like you don't have a name.

I remember one of our deacon's used to call one of our Sisters - Bro. so-and-so's wife, and it just used to make me so mad! LOL

I confronted him and after he said it, I said, you mean Sis. (her name)? Yeah, Bro. so-and-so's wife he said. I said brother, her name is ______. Then, I think he finally got my point, and started calling her (at least in my presence) by her name.

It wasn't hard, you just have to acknowledge who someone is. Not that we don't love being wives, or even mothers, but at some point and in some circumstances, we just want to be "me".

Before I became Mrs. so-and-so I had a life. Before I had Jr. and Sally, I had a life. And after they are gone, whether in death or distance, I have to still live.

So that brings me to this widow woman. No longer has a husband, no talk of her children. Jesus was sitting across from the treasury and saw her go up and put in her two mites. NOT A LOT OF MONEY!

Her circumstances may have precluded it. She may have had to take on a side job in order to put that in there, she may have had to sell something of her's to have just the two mites. But she went and put it in.

Sometimes we as women have to do some creative stuff in order to get or give what we want.

Jesus was impressed with her, why? Because all the others that went in gave out of their abundance. Their OVERFLOW. But she gave out of her lack!

Sometimes as women, we make sacrifices that others don't have to, so that our families can get or have what they need.

You know what I'm talking about. I don't want to spend money on this for myself, because school is starting and I need to get this for Jr. or Sally.

They want to go on a trip, so I'll wear these shoes with the whole on the bottom for a few more weeks, til I can pay for it.

My husband's birthday is coming up and he wants a (fill in the blank) I don't want to use "family money" for that, so if I can sell this, maybe I can make up enough to get it.

My sister is coming and I want to take her.....You know what I'm saying..... right?

Jesus, looks at her, knows her heart, sees her actions and He takes notice!

I love that about Him, He notices things that even the closest people to us, don't notice.

So, even in her lack, Jesus props her up and uses her as an example to us. Listen women of God. Don't feel like what you have, or what you do doesn't matter to God.

Because to Him it matters MOST! Keep doing what you do, and keeping loving like you do, and see won't He come and take notice!

Without a doubt He'll come and see about you, trust Him!

(Singing....That's why I love Him like I do, Yeahhhhh....)

Jes Saying that's all.....Peace .......~ Pastor Michelle ~~AKA~~ Pastor D.I.V.A.S

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