The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Luke 24: 10 - It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.

What things? Well let's rewind a bit and see. Jesus has been crucified, he's been buried behind the gigantic stone...(they were trying to keep Jesus in, which also means they were trying to keep others out..)

These ladies have gone to anoint His body with the customary spices. First thing I see here is that these women are strong. Maybe not physically, but spiritually.

They are going to get to The mechanics of rolling that stone away was intricate. There's no way these women would have been able to get in. But no obstacle like a gigantic stone is going to interfere with their mission!

We don't see that they took any men or machinery with them in order to get in, but they are determined to go.

How wonderful that upon their arrival, they find that the obstacle has already been taken care of! They immediately go inside to investigate. KJV says they "entered in". How awesome to enter in to the presence of God! They went looking for Jesus' body, only to find out that He was risen!

They looked for His physical body and came away being THE BODY of Christ!

The angels speak to them and asks the question. "Remember what He said? That He would be crucified and rise again? Do you remember that He promised you some things and even though He had to die to get it done, He was faithful to His word?!

So there you have it, THESE WOMEN received the Word and ran to tell that! They took it to the Apostles to let them know that that old stone had already starting rolling! He is risen indeed!

Come on Ladies, let's get the ball rolling and start spreading the GOOD NEWS!!!

Jes Saying that's all.....Peace .......~ Pastor Michelle ~~AKA~~ Pastor D.I.V.A.S

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