The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

I Kings 3:16 - Then came there two women, that were harlots, unto the king, and stood before him.

I'm amazed sometimes of how little regard that some Christian's hold for women. God is so merciful, that during the early days, he even cared for ...... harlots, prostitutes, women of the night, ho's , skeezer's.....whatever you wanna call it.

Here are two women, the last two that I would have expected to see in the presence of the King. But here they stand, making their cases before the "just" judge.

He didn't look at them as what they did, he looked at them for who they were.

I like that. You know this story, two women living in the same house, both had babies. One rolled over in the night, and killed her child, and in the darkness, she gets up and exchanges the babies. Leaving the other mother with a dead child.

They go before the King and plead their case. And King Solomon, in wisdom declared who the rightful mother was.

He didn't say, neither of you deserve a baby, you a Ho. He determined what was right and just, regardless of their circumstances.

Doesn't Our King do just that? He knows that we haven't always been who we should be, but even still, He sends Jesus to invade our seen.

He takes us how we are, and then changes us. Solomon couldn't do that, but he could bring justice to these women. Jesus bought our justice on Calvary.

Doesn't matter if you're black or white, male or female. Your soul is what He's after. Regardless of our circumstances He'll come in today, IF you let Him!

Jes Saying that's all.....Peace .......~ Pastor Michelle ~~AKA~~ Pastor D.I.V.A.S

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