The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Ephesians 2

I have written before that those who are lost in sin are zombies roaming the earth. Their spirits are dead and they don’t even know it. We who are in the faith of CHRIST JESUS who alone is our Savior has made our spirit alive in HIM. We should never become angry with the lost ones because we must remember that we too were once lost in sin. We have all walked according to the dictates of this world. We obediently obeyed the prince of the power of the air; that evil spirit who now continues to work in the sons of disobedience. We all obeyed the lusts of our flesh; fulfilling the desires of whatever the flesh wanted and the mind thought of which was wicked. We were once the very nature of anger and vengeance towards ourselves and others. However; our FATHER, GOD who in the richness of HIS mercy and HIS great love; loved us and continues to love us through JESUS. Remember we too were once dead and our FATHER made us come to life together with CHRIST JESUS. It is by grace that we have been saved that we will sit together in the heavenly places with CHRIST JESUS. DADDY has shown the exceeding richness of HIS grace in HIS kindness toward us in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS. By grace; praise YOU LORD GOD we have been saved through faith. It has nothing to do with any deeds or works that we perform. Salvation is a gift from the LORD GOD. HE offers mankind the gift and many will tell HIM that they don’t want HIS gift; try to purchase the gift; will say no thank you or maybe try to give the gift back. We don’t know or don’t understand that we are HIS craftsmanship; that we were created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works in the name of JESUS which were prepared eons ago. We must walk according to the blueprint that is already hardwired in our DNA. We were once led by our flesh but we now owe the flesh nada, nothing, zippo. When we were being led by the flesh and all its lust we were without JESUS CHRIST in our lives; now we are apart of the great commonwealth no longer strangers from the covenants of promise; we now have hope and that hope is found in CHRIST JESUS alone. We were once far away from JESUS now being in CHRIST JESUS we are near because of HIS precious holy blood. JESUS CHRIST is our peace and has destroyed that wall that separated us from HIM. With HIS flesh HE put away hostility that is the law of commandments. JESUS reconciled mankind back to the FATHER GOD in one body through the cross putting to death hatred. JESUS preached peach and through HIM we have access by one Spirit to our FATHER GOD. We are now citizens; members of the household of the LORD GOD. Built on CHRIST JESUS, HIMself who is the chief cornerstone.

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