The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Ephesians 3

Have you heard of the divine appointed order of the grace of the LORD GOD? This order has been revealed and made known that it no longer is a mystery to those who know HIM. By the reading of HIS holy Word we may get a partial glimpse but true understanding comes from the Spirit of wisdom; when in a relationship with HIM. That the knowledge of CHRIST is not based on second hand knowledge but first hand relationship as a parent with a child; a husband and wife; true friendship and the like. Glory to the LORD GOD that we are now fellow heirs of the same body; partakers of HIS promise in CHRIST JESUS; through the wonderful gospel also known as the Good News. This fellowship with the FATHER is considered a mystery; hidden in the LORD GOD who created all things through JESUS CHRIST. The various wisdom of the LORD GOD will be made known by HIS children. The eternal purpose HE accomplished in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. We have boldness; we have access and we are confident through our faith in CHRIST JESUS. This is a worthy cause as to why we willingly bow our knees to the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. We are granted the riches of HIS glory to be strengthened with might in the Spirit. JESUS lives in our hearts through faith; we are being rooted and grounded in love daily to understand the depth, height, length and width of this marvelous love that we have from CHRIST JESUS which our minds can’t wrap itself around. We are filled with all the fullness of the living GOD. Now to HIM who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us; to HIM be glory by CHRIST JESUS to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Which means as it is written so shall it be to you in the name of JESUS.

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