The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Ephesians 1

Glory to the most high GOD! I love this book; I get excited whenever I read this book and all five chapters. This book assures us that GOD is JESUS DAD and our DAD as well. Our GOD is a blessed GOD and because HE is blessed and blessings flow from HIM and through HIM we are blessed; we have favor with HIM. We are never lacking anything; we have a right to every spiritual blessing and our DAD gives us HIS favor lavishly from heaven through CHRIST JESUS. You gotta catch this people; I know that we often say we don’t have this or that. However, whatever DAD has we have! DAD chose us; we did not choose HIM. Before the eons of time began; HE was and HE picked me and you before the foundations of the world. Once we come to HIM; we become holy. Once we come to HIM we are no longer a prisoner of our past. Once we come to HIM we are blameless before HIM in love. DAD only sees the blood of JESUS on us. Due to the sin of Adam; our carnal father was satan and DAD had to adopt us from him because he is an unfit parent and must lose all of his parental rights. We are sons and daughters through JESUS CHRIST; praise HIM! Thank you JESUS!! JESUS delivered us to the FATHER because it was HIS pleasure and HIS will to do so. By HIS grace HE has made us accepted in the Beloved. I am redeemed through the blood of JESUS! Are you redeemed through the blood of JESUS? If so we stand together in forgiveness of past; present and future sins. This forgiveness does not mean that we have the right to return back to the stench from where we came from and become what we once were habitually. Once we know who we are and what has been done for us; how is it possible to return to your vomit as if you are a dog? My brother did a sermon entitled “What in hell do you want?” That’s the question we all should be asking ourselves if the temptation seems to be overwhelming to return. We can exist if we want in the understanding and wisdom of who our GOD is. We no longer have to consider HIM to be a mystery to us. JESUS is always giving and in the fullness of time HE will gather together in one all things in CHRIST which are in heaven and earth. We have an inheritance that we don’t have to wait for in that so called by and by time. We can have it now in our earthly lifetime and yet still more in heaven. It had been advanced and foreordained that the purpose of JESUS who works all things according to the counsel of HIS will. In JESUS we trusted after we heard the word of truth which is the Good News of our salvation. We believed we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise; who is the guarantee of our inheritance. Now this makes sense to me; you can’t believe that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and not believe that we have an inheritance in CHRIST JESUS that we can obtain now. Our DAD gives to us the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of HIM. The eyes of our heart have to be enlightened so that we will know what our hope is. That hope is HIS calling; the riches of HIS glory and HIS inheritance which is given to us by HIM and through HIM. To know the exceeding greatness of HIS power toward us who believe according to the working of HIS mighty power which HE worked in CHRIST when HE raised JESUS from the dead and seated HIM at HIS right hand in the heavenly places. JESUS is above all rules and rulers; authority and authorities as well as power. Everything has a name which is known and unknown to mankind; past, present and future and JESUS is above known and unknown names as well. JESUS placed all things under HIS feet; why don’t we? JESUS is the head over all things to me; JESUS literally is my all and all; my wheel in the middle of the wheel. The church is within me which is the body of JESUS the fullness of HIM.


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