The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 8

In your setting; do you take advantage to preach CHRIST? I'm certain the answer is no; I know that I can so NO. I have to admit; I don’t take advantage of every area where I maybe. Yet, where ever I am that is my place to proclaim the Good News. Most of us don’t take advantage of our opportunities for various reasons. We don’t have to preach a sermon but we could introduce JESUS to those who may think they know HIM but don’t. After all the scripture tells us “and they overcame him (the enemy) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” We are able to win many souls in one day or several souls a day or maybe just one soul a day when we speak on behalf of JESUS. Sharing with a person how CHRSIT JESUS saved and delivered us from this or that and you know that HE will do the same for anyone who will believe. Not only that; but those who have given their lives over to CHRIST JESUS to either preach or witness about HIM; will be given the ability to perform signs and wonders or miracles on those who may just need a cure for their cold. Many of you may not want to acknowledge this; but there are more humans possessed by demons today than there was when JESUS walked this same earth. Reason being is that there are more people on the earth today than it was during that time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to witness someone you knew was evil delivered from a murderous spirit or a spirit of addiction? These are only two examples of unclean spirits; what about witnessing someone who you know is paralyzed or one of their arms or legs is shorter than the other. You know that medicine cannot help in this case so finding out that now they are no longer paralyzed or lame; wouldn’t that cause you great happiness for that individual? The reason I believe that we don’t witness more signs and wonders or miracles among the people is because we ourselves who proclaim to be born-again believers stifle the complete truth of the Word of GOD. There are some who believe that it’s not for today; some who believe that it will take a rare or special person to have a signs and wonders ministry. I say not so! All it takes is your faith after all we don’t have anything to prove but the LORD GOD is the one that must make it so. Did you know that it does not always require that the person who is afflicted to operate in faith? It’s all about your faith; I guarantee you that if someone is steeped in sexual sin and they want out and you pray in faith that the unclean spirit comes out of them and they are clean. You’ll get a lost soul who will be willing to convert from darkness into the marvelous light. Everywhere we CHRISTians go we should be bringing with us great joy. I know that some will reject us and that is okay; because it’s not us they are rejecting but the CHRIST within us. But I also have a warning for you too; don’t be like Simon who was once a sorcerer and got saved through JESUS. He began to accompany the disciples but when he saw Peter operating in signs and wonders; Simon thought that he could by the gifts of the LORD GOD for his use. Peter saw that Simon’s heart had not been delivered from sorcery; manipulation; bitterness; trickery and other types of iniquity. Peter told him that he must repent which means to turn his back on sin and pray that the LORD GOD forgive him of his evil heart. You see once your motives become impure the LORD GOD will not be able to use you for HIS glory. So make sure that you remain faithful and preach CHRIST JESUS and nothing of yourself.

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