The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Part II; Acts 6 & 7

I say count it all joy when men and women lie on you regarding your doing the work of the LORD GOD. The liars came together proclaiming that Deacon Stephen was blaspheming against what they called a holy place (Synagogue of the Freedmen); the law; Moses and GOD. When Stephen was allowed to speak he being full of the Spirit addressed all that he was being falsely accused of. He began with addressing about the history of Abraham, Jacob and his sons; about the plight and favor of Joseph. Stephen than began to speak of Moses and his birth and upbringing; how was well educated to take the role as the next Pharaoh. Stephen further spoke about how Moses rejected all that the kingdom offered him and wanted to be among his brethren and how Moses thought that his brethren would have understood that he was to deliver them from the bondage inflicted on them. But they did not instead he was rejected and he ran away and lived in Midian for forty years. After the forty years Moses witnessed an Angel of the LORD in a flame of fire in a bush that was not consumed by the fire on Mount Sinai. Moses came closer because though it was not strange that a bush caught fire due to the extreme heat; Moses found it strange that the bush did not burn and then the voice of the LORD began to speak with him. The LORD GOD introduced HIMSELF to Moses and told him to remove his sandals because he was now standing on holy ground. The LORD GOD assured Moses that HE was very aware of the oppression that HIS people are in because HE looks at what they go through and HE hears their groans for relief. This same Moses that was rejected by the Israelites was now being given instructions by the LORD GOD to go back to Egypt and get HIS people. This same Moses who after he had shown signs and wonders in the land of Egypt; in the Red Sea and in the wilderness is the one whom the LORD GOD had chosen to do HIS will. Moses told the Israelites that the LORD GOD will raise up a Prophet from among them at it would be HIM that they would hear. Moses had received the living oracles and had given them to the people but they did not obey and they rejected what was told to them. The hearts of the people were wicked and darkened by their sinful ways and asked Aaron to make them an idol in the form of a calf; they made sacrifices to this idol. Stephen further informed the council that it was their fathers; their ancestors who had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as the LORD GOD had instructed Moses to make. After those who rejected the ways of the LORD GOD perished; Joshua and the remaining Israelites possessed the land the LORD GOD had promised because it was the LORD GOD who drove out the inhabitants and this remained until the days of David. King David wanted to build a dwelling place for the presence of the LORD GOD but that responsibility fell on King Solomon. But the Most High does not dwell in temples and houses made with hands. The LORD GOD proclaims HIMSELF that “Heaven is MY throne; earth is MY footstool. What house will you build for ME? Says the LORD, what is the place MY rest? Has MY hand not made all these things?” Man is stiff-necked and uncircumcised in hear; however, when man receives the LORD GOD then HE will find HIS resting place within and the heart of man is circumcised.  The prophets were persecuted and killed because they told of the coming of the JUST ONE and this has caused us all to be guilty of the betrayal and murder of JESUS. The law cannot be kept because that was not its intent; the law’s intent was to point out our sins. After Stephen spoke his spirit he looked up into heaven and saw the glory of the LORD GOD and JESUS standing at the right hand of the LORD GOD. He shouted that he can see the heavens open and the SON of man standing at the right hand of the LORD GOD! The Pharisees, scribes and remaining crowd members cast Stephen out and began to stone him. The witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of the young Saul who later became Paul. When they stoned Stephen he began calling on the LORD GOD and said “LORD JESUS, receive my spirit.” Stephen knelt down and cried out with a loud voice “LORD, do not charge them with this sin.” Then Stephen fell asleep. When being persecuted it’s best to remain silent when the persecution is false unless the Holy Spirit provides us with a speech that will cause man kind to become guilty of all their wrong by what is said. Can we truly say that we are willing to die for our faith in the Living CHRIST JESUS?

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