The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Part I; Acts 6

Stephen, one of the seven men appointed to serve the tables had great faith. He understood that nothing is too small when used for the LORD GOD. Stephen gave himself fully over for the LORD GOD to use and because of this he was a man who did great wonders and signs before the people. Stephen was fitted for a higher station but because he was called and used in the office of deacon; he did not think it to be a ministry that was too small or beneath him. Because Stephen was faithful over little he was trusted with and given much. No he may not have preached the gospel as the Apostles or baptized anyone as the Apostles did but none the less he was just as useful in the Master’s hands. Stephen proved the gospel to be true by working miracles in the name of CHRIST JESUS. When you are full of faith you will exhibit full power; low faith will exhibit low power or little power. It’s important to trust in the full Word of the LORD GOD. Full faith in GOD’s Holy Word ignites full power in our lives. We can’t leave room for unbelief in our lives when it comes to the Word of the LORD GOD; it’s all or nothing. I believe that the more you step out on faith the more you will witness GOD’s power come through you. True faith in JESUS empties us of ourselves and fills us up with CHRIST JESUS. There is no such thing as worldly wisdom; what we call wisdom is actually education, knowledge of books; culture; environment or street. Wisdom belongs to the LORD GOD and we must ask for wisdom daily because the LORD GOD has promised to give wisdom to HIS children liberally. Signs and Wonders do not follow preachers only but to anyone who believes.

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