The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 5

Where are evil deeds planted? Some people may believe that the conception of evil is first planted in the mind but evil is planted in the heart. For it is what’s in the heart that we do and say. The mind is not the fertile ground where seeds are planted; the mind is like that of a packet of seeds unless the seeds are poured out and planted in fertile soil nothing will be produced. The heart is fertile ground for evil and righteousness; what we do is what has been conceived in the heart and what we say is what has been conceived in the heart. Luke 21:34 drunkenness of heart; Luke 24:38 doubt of heart; Acts 5:3 lying heart; Acts 7:51 uncircumcised heart. In Matthew 12:34 the Word of GOD explains that it’s what is in a person’s heart that will be said. Ananias and Sapphira planned to swindle the Apostles but they really had no need to come up with this plan. They came up with the idea to sell what rightfully belonged to them and they could have donated what they wanted. However, Ananias decided to listen to the suggestion of satan and he pulled his wife into the plan as well. What they did not know is that it is impossible to lie to GOD about anything and because Ananias lied not to the men but to the Holy Spirit he was struck dead. See Ananias did not promise to give what he had to the Apostle he promised to give what he had to GOD. His heart was filled with lies. Now though Sapphira had decided to go along with this scheme she could have changed her mind; definitely she had an out when Peter asked her if she and her husband had sold their property for a certain amount. Not only that but three hours had passed so there was plenty of time for her to think about doing the right thing. So before you do anything or speak anything; be sure your actions or words will be that which will please the LORD GOD. Because if the LORD GOD decides to answer the stupid prayers sent to HIM about going back to the old bible days; there will be many CHRISTians struck dead for their wicked deeds. Thank YOU FATHER for YOUR Grace and Mercy!

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