The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 7-8-9

Saul the son of a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin and a Roman citizen; was a member of the Sanhedrin council. He was an active leader in the persecution of CHRISTians. He played a role in the standing by and watcher of the clothes that were laid at his feet when he was a young man as those who rose up from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen and witnesses that had been stirred up by lies. Saul consented to the death by stoning of Stephen and he made havoc of the church; entering all homes and dragging off families sending them to prison. As Saul’s anger continue to be stirred up regarding the disciples he made threats of murder against them. Saul went to the high priest and asked for permission in writing to present to the synagogues in Damascus; to take any CHRISTians men or women and bring them to Jerusalem as prisoners. This is still going on today in certain countries and if we are not mindful of the LORD GOD we will witness this in America as well.

Anyhow; as Saul neared Damascus a light engulfed him from heaven. After he fell to the ground he heard the voice of JESUS speaking to him; “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME?” That question is still relevant today; have you asked those that persecute CHRIST JESUS why they are doing this? After JESUS introduced HIMSELF to Saul, he began to tremble. However, he did have enough sense to ask JESUS; “LORD, what do YOU want me to do?” Many CHRISTians don’t bother to ask JESUS that from day to day. JESUS will tell you what HE will like for us to do just as HE told Saul to get up and go. This astonished me as I was reading up on Saul; how is it that the men who accompanied Saul heard JESUS speak but did not see HIM as Saul did? Were they saved from sin because they heard HIS voice; “for we walk by faith, not by sight?” We don’t know what became of those men after they took Saul to Damascus. Another question, did they just walk him into Damascus and leave him in the middle of the road; I mean really Saul was blind, what happened to his so called friends? Now I know that some of you will say that Saul was taken to the house of Judas; but by whom? The disciple Ananias was told by the LORD to go to a street called Straight and ask for Saul of Tarsus because he is praying. I'm trying to get you readers to not only see the wealth of information that the Bible has for us but the humor also. Moving on, Saul had already become acquainted with Ananias through the vision given to him by the LORD; I'm certain that after three days of being blind he was ready for the brother to get there and pray for him so that he would regain his sight. Not only that, but Saul was also baptized in the Holy Spirit. You see Saul was a bad boy who was chosen as a vessel of honor to be used by JESUS. You are never too sinful that JESUS can’t come along wash you clean in HIS Blood and have you smelling better than any expensive designer cologne; perfume or body oil. JESUS will change the direction of your thoughts through HIS Word; change the direction of your sight, what you listen to, how you speak and what you do. Your heart will become that of flesh instead of the hard wall of destruction that had been built by hurt; pain; disappointments; sin and more. JESUS showed Saul how to reach the Gentiles (us folk); the Jews and leaders from royalty to the government. As Saul went about with great boldness preaching in the Synagogues; that JESUS is the SON of GOD and increasing in strength. He confused the Jews that lived in Damascus and they plotted to have him killed.

However, the LORD GOD will always make away of escape for HIS children that face danger. The disciples that lived in Damascus put Saul in a huge basket and lowered him down a wall to escape his enemies. Unfortunately for him; when he arrived in Jerusalem none of the disciples wanted to play with him-he was like poor Rudolph. The disciples were afraid of him due to a lack of trust but there is always that one who may hang with the crowd but will think for themselves. This was Barnabas; he took Saul and spoke to the disciples telling them about all that had been done in the name of JESUS. So they allowed him to stay but I'm certain they kept a close eye on him. The Hellenists aka Greek Jews tried to kill Saul but when the disciples found out they took him to Caesarea and sent him on to Tarsus. The churches in Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified as they walked in the fear of the LORD GOD and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. This is what is missing in some of our churches today; the peace of GOD is missing and we are not being edified. We know this to be true because we don’t walk in the fear/respect of the LORD GOD and those that are lost view most of us to be just as they are. The Holy Spirit brings with Him power and He continually witnesses to the church about JESUS. Ask yourself and be honest; are you at peace? The type of peace that passes all understanding. Are you being edified at your church; if not why? Do you respect the LORD GOD with your whole being? Do you exhibit the power that comes from the Holy Spirit and does He witness to you as to who JESUS is?

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