The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Can you imagine that among the men that people were to look up to for righteous example that there were none to be found? After all; all of the chief priest and elders plotted against JESUS. They actually planned HIS murder; I believe we call that pre-meditated murder and when the act is carried out; you are not only charged with the crime of murder but you are also charged with the crime of giving it much thought as to how you will accomplish the murder. It was the chief priest along with the elders who tied JESUS up and took HIM to Pontius Pilate who was the governor. Judas Iscariot began to realize that he had done an unjust thing after all; what had JESUS done that HE deserved to be treated in the manner in which he was witnessing. JESUS is a condemned man we call it today dead man walking; Judas Iscariot knew that whatever punishment JESUS was doomed for was not justified and became remorseful. But instead of asking JESUS to forgive him he went to the chief priest and elders to give back the 30 pieces of silver. Judas Iscariot knew that he had sinned but he still did not know or understand that even at that moment JESUS would have been willing to forgive him and set him free from his guilt and shame. He did not know or understand that his entire past would have been erased and he would have today and the future to look forward to. No, he did not know or understand; so he did what so many do today and there is no need to throw your life away to death. Death is not the answer but life is; don’t repeat the act of Judas Iscariot and kill yourself; the LORD GOD has such a great plan for your today and future. The chief priest and elders had the nerve to be concerned about the law when it came to the money Judas Iscariot gave back but they conveniently dismissed the law when it comes to murder. In the law of the Ten Commandments it is written “you shall not murder”. So what did these men go and do; they decided to purchase a cemetery where strangers could be placed. This looks like a good deed does it not; but you must look at the motive. You see they saw the money as filthy and already marked with the blood of a dead man; so to continue to look good before the people why not due a very public purchase. And name it “potter’s field which means here lays the unknown; no family; no money. But the cemetery was renamed to the “Field of Blood” because it cost JESUS HIS precious blood. The governor asked JESUS “Are YOU the King of the Jews?” Because the governor spoke truth; JESUS agreed with what he asked. But the chief priest and elders kept trouble brewing with accusations and because their accusations were false; JESUS never replied to them. When we are being accused you can bet the farm that the enemy is behind it. Don’t play his game and defend yourself; simply ignore him; he’s not worth being spoken to anyway besides he had no idea that when JESUS did decide to speak with him that he would have wished he had left JESUS alone. The “Thriller in Manila” had nothing on the fights that was to come on the turf of the devil. See you never let your enemy peep your holding card or let them see you sweat. Now there was a criminal named Barabbas and he was known for doing any and all things wrong; in other words he was the original OG/original gangster; he was notorious everywhere he went. When asked the crowd who they wanted to have released; I think that had he asked the question correctly he may have turned the situation around to a positive. Pilates question was “JESUS who is called CHRIST” instead of JESUS who is the CHRIST. But this is the way the LORD GOD orchestrated the plan so everything that was said and done was done for you and I today. Pilate was not ignorant; he actually understood that the chief priest and elders wanted the attention that JESUS has because they were envious of HIM. Pilate’s wife was even having nightmares and warned her husband not to be involved with JESUS because HE is a Just Man. See these are men who are ravenous wolves; they were out in the crowds persuading them to ask for Barabbas and to destroy JESUS. The crowd kept shouting “Let JESUS be crucified!” The governor was puzzled and asked the crowd “Why, what evil has HE done?” I think the governor asked a good question; so explain to me why no one answered the governor? These people could only see red; they were thirsty for blood. So the governor literally washed his hand of the hold thing. This maybe where it began and we figuratively still practice this ritual today. When we don’t want to be associated with something we are known to say “I wash my hand of this or of the whole thing.” Now when actor/director Mel Gibson made a movie called “The Passion of the CHRIST” many people became angry and hurt and said that the Jews killed JESUS. But that is only partially true; the LORD GOD see people as two separate entities; either you are Jewish or Gentile. Jewish people were and still are HIS chosen people and Gentiles are anyone who are not Jewish or of Jewish descent. Both were a part of the crowd so in reality you and I both are guilty of killing JESUS; after all in verse 25 of this chapter it reads. “HIS blood be on us and on our children” we are descendents of those who actually witnessed the crucifixion. But if you are a believer you are no longer guilty of this crime or any other sin you committed in your past. Glory to the Most High GOD who made a way of escape for anyone that will accept and believe by faith in HIS SON JESUS. Now the governor’s soldiers took JESUS into the Praetorium along with the entire garrison all around HIM. They took off all HIS clothes; I know you would like to believe that HE had a cloth around HIS genitalia but that is completely wrong. JESUS was put to an open shame HE had no clothes on. Then they put a red (which is a color for royalty and so is purple) robe on HIM. I'm sure that many of you have been stuck by rose thorns before so can you imagine having several stems with thorns on them that had been twisted and locked in place to be worn for a crown pushed down on your head. A reed is a plant like very high grass that is grown in watery areas or something like pussy-willows this was placed in HIS right hand to be considered as HIS scepter. Then they all bowed to HIM and began to make fun of HIM saying “Hail, King of the Jews!” They spit on HIM then took the reeds and hit HIM on the head which was already in major pain due to the thorns which had drawn blood and sticking into HIS flesh. Now they removed the robe and put HIS own clothes back on him and led HIM to be crucified. They came to the place called Golgotha also known as Place of a Skull; they tried to give to HIM to drink some sour wine mingled with gall but HE would not drink it. Then HE was crucified and they began to gamble for HIS clothes. So this should help you to understand that no one bargains or bets on another's clothes unless they are made of great quality so apparently JESUS was not poor while HE was on earth. Casting lots in those days was much like shooting dice or drawing straws today.  Over the head of JESUS was placed a plaque that read: This Is JESUS The King Of The Jews. Two robbers were crucified with HIM  also one on each side. One went to heaven the other went to hell because the one who went to heaven realized that he was being crucified justly; he did the crime he had to face the time but he asked JESUS to remember him and JESUS told him that HE would. The other with his dying words mocked JESUS. People passed by JESUS as HE hung up on that cross for you and I and blasphemed HIM doing the black people turn of the neck thing saying “If YOU are the SON of GOD come down from the cross.” The chief priest and elders kept their antagonistic speech going to the bitter end saying “HE saved others; HIMSELF HE cannot save. If HE is the King of Israel, let HIM now come down from the cross and we will believe HIM. HE trusted in GOD; let HIM deliver HIM now if HE will have HIM for HE said I AM the SON of GOD.” Darkness fell over all the land and JESUS cried out in a loud voice. Let me point something out to you; all through this gospel JESUS referred to the LORD GOD as FATHER but this time for the first time JESUS referred to the LORD GOD as “MY GOD.”  For the first time JESUS could not find the presence of the LORD GOD; HIS FATHER anywhere. But this is because the LORD GOD will not and cannot look on sin so HE must turn away from it. That’s right non-believer the LORD GOD is very aware of all you say and do but HE cannot look on what you do and are. For a brief moment in time JESUS had taken on the sin of the world from those as far back as Adam and Eve to however many generations after you. JESUS willingly gave up HIS spirit and was dead from an earthly concept of death. We all will die an earthly concept of death but we will go on living somewhere and where we live is up to us; will it be heaven or hell.


Bound – tied.

Notorious – unfavorably and worldly known; known for the same infamously bad qualities.

Envy – covet/want what another has or their position in life.

Just – guided by truth; righteous, real; actual and genuine.

Tumult – riot.

Scourge – a lash or whip for applying punishment or torture; severe criticism; affliction; chastise.

Praetorium – a judgment hall.

Garrison – body of troops to fortify a station.

Gall – bile/animal or human waste

Hewn – to strike with force using an ax; sword or any other type of sharp cutting instrument that can be used to chop or hack.

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