The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

According to traditional Judaism Shabbat (the Sabbath) this day of rest begins a few minutes before sunset on Friday evening and ends with the appearance of three stars in the sky on Saturday evening. Once the Shabbat is completed this would become the beginning first day of the week. As Mary Magdalene and another Mary made their way to the tomb a great earthquake erupted. An angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it. The appearance of the angel was like lightning; the next time your area experiences a thunderstorm; catch a glimpse of lightning and imagine a person that has that appearance. The clothes of the angel were as white as fresh untouched fallen snow. For those of us where snow is the norm or we travel to places where we can participate in snow sports; when the snow has been untouched do you notice how it glistens like sparkling jewels? The guards were filled with great fear and they fainted but the angel said to the women; that they were not to be afraid. The angel also knew that the women came to anoint JESUS but he told them that HE was no longer there. JESUS is risen! The angel invited the women to come and witness that JESUS was no longer there. After they saw for themselves the angel instructed them to go quickly and tell HIS disciples that HE is risen from the dead! JESUS will meet them in Galilee and the women went as quickly as their feet would carry them with praise on their lips and filled with great joy. As the women were going JESUS met them and said; “Rejoice!” The women fell at HIS feet and held HIM as they worshiped JESUS. JESUS said to them “Do not be afraid. Go and tell MY brethren to go to Galilee; there they will see ME.” Now it was not that long ago that the enemy had just received the beating of his life so far. But he is still the master puppeteer; the guards came and reported to the chief priest and elders the things that took place at the tomb. The guards were paid off and told that if the governor heard of this that they would take care of them by telling the governor that JESUS disciples came at night and stole HIM away while the guards fell asleep. Today in the year of 2012 this lie is still alive among the Jewish nation and gentiles. When the disciples got to Galilee they saw JESUS and began to worship HIM all but one that is because he doubted. JESUS proclaimed that “All authority has been given to HIM in heaven and on earth. Now remember that when Adam sold us down the river and turned over all his authority to satan; he had total rights to what happened here on the earth. NO MORE! JESUS has ALL authority on earth. We are to Go and make disciples of all the nations and they are to be baptized. CHRISTians are to be taught to observe all things that JESUS has commanded of us and we must know and understand that JESUS is with us always even to the end of the age.

This completes the gospel teaching; however, I encourage you to read all 4 gospels because each writer has written the gospel according to his personality. Matthew wrote using the prophetic fulfillment and quotes from the Old Testament. Also notice that Matthew emphasized the teaching of JESUS. Mark wrote on facts and action rather than themes or topics and here you will see JESUS as a man of action. Luke wrote this book from a medical doctors view point; very wordy and precise. This book is a representation of who JESUS is; notice how Luke delves into the family lineage. When we see our doctor that’s exactly what is done to us; they want to know what you are made of. But remember because this is very important; JESUS did not have his earthly father’s blood; HE had HIS heavenly FATHER’s blood. So JESUS was not formed and shaped in inequity and sin and we all get our blood from our father but we get our DNA from our father and mother. In this book you will see the importance of women in ministry; the importance of children; how JESUS befriended everyone; the sinner and the oppressed. John writes with the intent for the reader to see the life of JESUS and HIS mission. If you rely read and study this book with wisdom and understanding that can only come from the LORD GOD you will notice that John writes as a journalist. He had individual personal interviews to find out the relationships the individual had with JESUS. People are more apt to believe if we share our testimony with them; especially if a person is somewhere you’ve been and you stress that the LORD GOD saved and delivered you and you know that the LORD GOD will save and deliver another. This is what John is trying to do here; he wants you to see what JESUS has done for others and for you the reader to know that HE will do the same for you. JESUS does not pick and chose who HE will save and deliver; it’s you that must chose JESUS. JESUS wants you; the question is do you want JESUS?   

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