The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Let me share with you the difference of each level of the Priesthood.

  • The Great High Priest – JESUS who atoned for our sins and made it possible for us to approach the LORD GOD.
  • The High Priest – JESUS who stands as the mediator between the LORD GOD and man.
  • Chief Priest – leader of the Levites with oversight to those who kept charge of the sanctuary.
  • Priest – the person who once sacrificed and prayed for the people. In Israel a priest had to come from the lineage of Levi. Now we no longer need an earthly priest to sacrifice and pray for us; JESUS was the ultimate sacrifice and we can now pray for ourselves. We no longer need to rely solely on a priest.

Apparently Caiaphas was so incredibly wealthy that he lived in his own palace. Anyway you can see that the hearts of these that came to the palace of Caiaphas were all wicked men because they thought out; they planned how they would capture and kill JESUS using tricks. Nowhere in the bible will you find that the wicked men who plotted to kill JESUS invited Judas Iscariot to speak with them. He came of his own will but not his free will; none of us realize that the enemy uses people as puppets. This is why the Word of GOD informs us that “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12. Judas Iscariot asked the chief priest what he would be willing to give him if he delivered JESUS to him. I wonder if he had not been offered money; if he would have changed his mind. But you need to understand that the enemy knows and understand your individual appetite. Judas Iscariot was the treasurer and if you choose to read the other gospels you would see that he was very indignant when it came to the money; not only that but he was embezzling. Well because they paid him in money he began to plan when would be the best time to betray JESUS. During the Passover JESUS had informed the disciples that HE knew that one of them would betray HIM without mentioning the name of the betrayer. All the disciples were discouraged to find out that in their midst lounged a betrayer but because none of them understood their relationship with JESUS they all questioned whether or not it would be themselves who would do this thing. But noticed in their asking they spoke not to the man JESUS but to the LORD JESUS. JESUS provided a clue as to who would betray HIM but if you read the book of John; it was John who knew who the betrayer was because he rested on JESUS. The other disciples did not know that the clue would be the dipping of bread but John did. Notice how when Judas asked if he would be the betrayer he spoke to the man JESUS instead of acknowledging HIM as the LORD. Judas simple called HIM Rabbi which is Teacher; we can’t see JESUS as anything but the Anointed Son of Man in other words CHRIST JESUS the LORD who when you need HIM as teacher HE will be that for us; need HIM as healer HE will be that for us and so on but we are never to limit who HE is. As HE observed the Passover JESUS informed the disciples that the wine that they were about to drink was a representation of HIS blood which will establish a new covenant because as it is shed it will pay for the sins of many. He explained to the disciples that HE will rise and go to Galilee; unfortunately none of them understood what HE was talking about. JESUS the man showed us how to pray when HE was in the garden of Gethsemane. Understand this is the human man praying here not the GOD man. The human man of JESUS did not want to die; I mean who really does? But the Son of GOD was willing to do whatever it took to please the LORD GOD. JESUS made this perfectly clear three times; so be persistent in your prayers but always be available to do whatever it takes to please the LORD GOD. The FATHER will never sacrifice you in the manner in which HE sacrificed HIS only begotten Son JESUS. None of us could do any better than what JESUS has already done 2,012 years ago. Read the other gospels to find out that Peter was actually the servant who cut off the ear of the high priest; but when JESUS told him to replace his sword because those “who take the sword will perish by the sword” and Paul later wrote “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” Galatians 6:7-8. JESUS wanted HIS disciples to know that HE could escape; all HE needed do is pray to HIS FATHER and more than 12 legions of angels would have come to HIS aide. What are legions? Legions are tactical regiments that travel with no less than 3,000 and usually no more than 6,000. So had JESUS been overcome by HIS humanity and called on HIS FATHER for help HE could have gotten maybe no less than 36,000 and maybe no more than 72, 000 angels to aid HIM. Never say what you will or what you will not do; take a look at the disciples. All of them abandoned HIM with the exception of John and again you must read John’s gospel to see this. Sometimes it’s not who you know but being at the right place at the right time. Peter ran too but he stayed close enough to witness what was going on. Now all who had a part in taking JESUS as a prisoner with the exception of Judas Iscariot gathered together all the people who were willing to lie to JESUS but none of them spoke up. Then two brazen souls stood up and told the truth but told it because the true meaning of JESUS words were hidden from their hearts. Did you know that the best defense is to say nothing and rely totally on JESUS? JESUS said nothing because HE relied on HIS FATHER totally that it will all work out in the end which in essence became our beginning. I believe what moved JESUS to speak was that the high priest used the truth that GOD is living; HE is not some dead inanimate thing. So when asked “You are the CHRIST, the Son of GOD”? JESUS simply said “it is as you said; you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of The Power and coming on the clouds of heaven. Here JESUS told all the listeners that HE is the SON of the living GOD; that HE will take HIS place at the right hand of HIS FATHER where the power is; where the life is and that one day HE will return on clouds. But again; no one got the inner meaning of the message; so the high priest tore off his clothes and called JESUS a blasphemer. Do you understand what it means to blaspheme? Let’s take a look; to speak in a disrespectful way about or of GOD; to speak evil; to speak abusively; to speak with disrespect regarding the LORD GOD; to use profanities; to curse (ex. I almost died laughing; you kill me; I hate this or that; I'm sick.)

And because the high priest saw JESUS as a blasphemer he said that HE deserved to die. So people began to spit in JESUS face; beat HIM; slapped HIM and mocking HIM telling HIM to prophecy as who hit HIM. Peter sat outside while all this was going on and a girl said to him “you were with JESUS of Galilee”. But Peter denied knowing HIM. Another girl saw Peter and said to those nearby “this fellow was with JESUS of Nazareth”. And again Peter denied knowing HIM this time with an oath. Sometime later some people walked up to him and said to Peter; “you are one of them because your speech gives you away. This time Peter took it to the next level and began to curse and swear as he denied knowing JESUS for the third time and immediately the rooster began to crow. Peter began to remember what JESUS had said to him “before the rooster crows; you will deny ME three times”. He felt so overcome with guilt and shame that he cried one of those cries that your mouth is open and no sound will come out then you begin to huff for breath inwardly making the ugliest face. I believe that was Peter.

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