The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

I'm going to approach this chapter from a vocabulary point of view to bring it home as to whom JESUS will consider to be goats and whom HE will consider to be sheep. After you completely read the definitions; question yourself about where you are and if JESUS was to come and gather the nations right this very minute where would you be? Are you a goat or a sheep?


Goat - a licentious; lecherous; oppressive; wicked person.

Lecherous – erotically suggestive; lustful.

Licentious – sexually unrestrained; lewd; unrestrained by law or morality; disregard for rules.

Oppressive – to burden with cruel restraints; to weigh down; to put down; to crush.

Wicked – evil; morally bad; mischievous; malicious; having a bad attitude; spiteful; vicious; troublesome; dangerous; unpleasant; foul.

Lewd – lustful; obscene and indecent language; vulgar.  

Sheep – meek; easy to lead.

Meek – humbly patient; submissive; gentle; tame; kind; calm.

Humble – not proud or arrogant; modest.

Patient - bearing annoyance; misfortune; delay; hardship; pain; anger with fortitude and calm; without complaint and steady perseverance in quiet.


If you fit into the goat mold I urge you to believe and accept JESUS as your Savior today this very moment. Read Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 1:13 and chapter 2 of Ephesians.

Find and get into a Word teaching ministry and attend; go to the weekly bible study and Sunday school so that you can ask questions so that you can gain understanding of GOD’s Word.

If you fit into the sheep mold wonderful but you must remain in the will of the FATHER don’t leave HIM not for one moment. Continue to do the will of the FATHER in your mind; eyes; ears; mouth and movement.

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