"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."
How is it that each and every year so many people are deceived by those who proclaim that JESUS will return on this or that day? In this chapter; JESUS spoke openly about how many will be fooled and led to believe that HE will return on specific dates and yet instead of reading the book to see what JESUS has said they continue to be led by the nose ring. In my short lifetime there have been many who have said that the end is coming and these people take desperate measures to supposedly meet JESUS in the air. What deception; most people will go to church every time the doors are open and will open their bibles to whatever book; chapter and verse but when they get home; the bible remains closed. This is why so many are led astray. Now I'm not going to point out each and every situation that will occur but I will point out some that I don’t think has occurred as yet.
Apparently in the beginning of the world there was a great tribulation (affliction or suffering); women should be able to understand this because before we bring forth our loving baby we go through a great tribulation which we immediately forget. JESUS said that again a great tribulation will occur and no flesh will be saved. Makes since to me; when we invite JESUS into our life HE does not save our flesh; HE saves our spirit. Now look how JESUS still keeps HIS own in mind during this awful time period; HE will shorten the days because HIS very own will be here. Have you noticed that you could live in a dead community but because of your presence there you are the one where respect is shown? Young people may help you when you need help; they look out for your home or car. They may not understand why they do this but this is the favor of the LORD GOD on your life. False christs and prophets will show great signs and wonders which will be used to fool many including the clergy so be aware. If anyone has ever notice how lightning flashes its quick and this is just how JESUS will be coming quickly. HE tells us that immediately after the tribulation the sun will be dark and the moon will not give light; the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. There will be mourning and then we all will see JESUS coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. JESUS will send HIS angels to sound a trumpet to gather together HIS chosen from every part of the entire world and from every nation. You don’t have to believe anything I say or what the Word of GOD has to say but this is for sure. Heaven and earth will pass away but the words spoken of by JESUS HIMSELF will never pass away. No person knows the day or hours when JESUS will return not even the angels; only the FATHER the LORD GOD HIMSELF knows this. However, we all should be watching and listening because none of us know the exact day or time JESUS is coming back. So remember this; had you known that your home was going to be burglarized. You would have watched and not allowed your home to be broken into. JESUS is also coming when we lest expect HIM to come. So remain faithful and wise in JESUS.
© 2025 Created by Elder Natrina "LadyRev" Lee.
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