The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

There are many born again CHIRSTians who are not mature enough to understand why someone who has committed every crime imaginable and is dying can ask GOD to forgive and GOD does so. Many CHRISTians believe that because of the turmoil that the person has caused in the lives of others; that definitely that person has to be going to hell. But if the heart of the criminal is truly repentant and desire forgiveness and the criminal has taken hold that JESUS truly is who HE said HE is; there will be many CHRISTians who will be surprised when they get to heaven and see the criminal right there with them praising the LORD GOD. The LORD GOD does not desire to see anyone perish and there is a small window of time before death that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak; if you respond in faith than by faith is the criminal saved. The last will be first and the first will be last. CHRISTians ought not to become upset with this fact; after all we were no different than the criminal who committed crimes up till his/her dying minutes. Sin is sin in the eyes of GOD and there is no measure for sin. CHRISTians are to be forgiving regardless and if around a person who is dying try to witness JESUS to that person so that the person can make his/her mind up in those last moments to accept JESUS. We should have the heart beat of JESUS and not want to see anyone perish but be proactive in witnessing too about the salvation of JESUS.

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