The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Hey you reader; do you realize that the LORD has need of you?

Yes, you; HE needs you but you need HIM most. Why don’t you give the LORD CHRIST JESUS a praise right where you are; Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is HE who comes in the name of the LORD GOD Most High! Hosanna in the highest! Say over and over; let it get down into your soul; allow this praise to overtake you. JESUS will be well pleased when HE hears you exalting HIM. When you are asked who JESUS is please don’t reduce HIM to be merely a prophet; get to know who JESUS is and answer in the manner in which is appropriate. Look up the name of JESUS and become acquainted with HIM. Did you know that when JESUS entered the temple he not only drove out those who bought and sold and overturned tables and seats? After HE said MY house will be called a house of prayer; you have made it a den of thieves. Did you realize that he began to heal the blind and lame who came to HIM in the temple? HE did; many people focus on the fact that JESUS was angry and HE went in and caused havoc in the temple but JESUS had a righteous anger and HE did not sin. Had HE sinned HE could have easily put HIS hands on the people and hurt them; said some unjust chosen words and seen those who needed to be healed and ignored them. But HE did none of those things. The chief priest and scribes however; saw the wonderful things JESUS had done and heard the children crying out in the temple saying Hosanna to the Son of David! These priest and scribes became very jealous and began to question HIM. But JESUS asked them had they not heard that perfected praise comes from the mouths of babes and nursing infants. Let me share with you how jealousy operates; it’s always between female and female; male and male and those of like positions or of those who desire your position. The chief priest in actuality was doing nothing for the people except placing burdens on their lives. There were sick people lying in front of the temple but it took the Great Physician to come and provide a healing. There is enough information in the Old Testaments had the priest been believers that they could have believed and used faith to help the people. If you study what JESUS said and did in most cases because HE was on the earth during the time of the law; HE operated within the law yet HE was setting people free from the law. We must remember that the law is that of death and grace and mercy is that of life. JESUS went to the town of Bethany to rest and the next morning HE returned to the place where HE was the day before. On HIS travel JESUS was hungry; now you must remember that JESUS is all man and all GOD. So HE was not flowing in the anointing HE was just man at this point and when HE got to the tree HE found that the tree had fooled HIM because for this type of tree to have leaves it means that it has figs as well. But there were no figs to be found on the tree; so that the tree would never have the opportunity to fool another and to teach HIS disciples just what faith can do in operation; JESUS cursed the fig tree and the tree withered away. The disciples were amazed when they saw the tree that was once full of life now completely dead. JESUS informed HIS disciples and this is still true today; if we have faith and do not doubt; we will be able to accomplish anything. Are you in debt? That’s a mountain by faith you can accomplish getting your credit back in the positive but you must discipline yourself also not to repeat what you did to have caused you to be in debt the first place. Do you need employment? That’s a mountain; being unemployed by faith you can accomplish getting gainful employment. Whatever you ask in prayer that is lined up with GOD’s will for HIS children; believe that you will receive them. Do you know that you have authority? You can do all things in CHRIST JESUS who strengthens you. We get ourselves in major trouble because we reason among others or with ourselves. STOP IT! Just believe what the LORD GOD has promised you and go for it; there is no need for conversation about it; when you reason things out more often than not you miss out because you talk yourself out of your blessing.

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