The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

In this chapter of Matthew; JESUS touched on several scenarios and I will keep them short and to the point in explanation.


For those that question about marriage and who it’s for; this chapter brings it home. JESUS explains that GOD made male and female; the male is to leave the home of his father and mother and be joined to his wife were they will become one flesh; this is done through coitus.

If you have ever questioned about whether marriage is for you or not; here are the simple answers.

  • Never, ever had a sexual desire
  • You were castrated
  • You choose to abstain for the Kingdom of GOD

JESUS loves children and each time children were around HE enjoyed having them near HIM. Children are believers; faithful; humble and innocent; much of what we must become when we return to GOD.

During the time that JESUS walked on the earth the Ten Commandments which are the law of death were still in operation. JESUS had not yet died so that Grace and Mercy could take over which is life and that more abundantly. This is why HE told the financially rich man to obey the commandments. But notice that when JESUS said that if he really wanted to make a huge impact in the Kingdom of GOD and to have a treasure in Heaven that he should sell all of his possessions. This sadden the guy because he did not have a hold on his possessions; his possessions had a hold on him and he served them well.

Just who can be saved by the LORD GOD? Everybody; but it will never happen. People will try to be saved on their own and by their own strength using what makes sense to them. The LORD GOD however; will save us according to HIS love for us and your faith in HIS SON.

There are many people who have walked away from families and homes to work for the Kingdom of GOD and we know them as Missionaries. Look at what GOD has promised to provide for them – a hundred fold return on all they walked away from plus eternal life with HIM. We can get a sense of the return by reading Job; when Job lost all he received a return.

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