The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

2 Corinthians 3:3 “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”

Good morning it is Wednesday morning and the weekend is in sight! Its rainy and overcast this morning, so no bike ride. A walk on the treadmill shall have to do. Be out early for the Ladies Bazaar at Calvary gospel Church, 11150 Berry this Saturday starting at 9:00 a.m. There will be fresh baked goods and lots of vendors for your shopping pleasure.

Hey I am still in this chapter and went back to look at verse 3. Remember Paul is talking to a city full of Christians who have some major issues with the Christian lifestyle. Verse 1-3 is a discussion about letters of reference, like we often get or receive when looking for employment. This is so others can vouch for us. Paul is saying to the Corinthians that the only letter he needs from them is their character and life. This shows who you really are. We are a living epistle to Christ in our lives as Christians. The next time you have the fish on your car, but throws up those hand signals (you what I am talking about) when somebody cuts you off, how contradicting can that be. I am a Christian, but you are telling people to do obscene things. If that doesn't rock your boat, what about you carry the title of Rev. Dr., Pastor, Deacon, Sister, Brother, Missionary, Evangelist, Prophet, Apostle, but you cuss like a sailor gone made in a house of ill repute. What does that say about you who is walking about with the big I Love Jesus pin on your shirt, fish sign on your car, cross around your neck??? You think any unsaved, newly saved folk will want to be a part of something that is not to far removed from where they are or where in the world. There is no incentive if your epistle which means: letter: a long formal letter, often intended to provide instruction. What instruction can you provide if your visual example is tarnished over with sin that has not been repented? I mean if we see a bad movie, read a bad book we don't praise it, instead we condemn it. So what you think folk who see you sinning as you proclaim your Christianity react? Just something to make you go hmmmmm. Have a blessed day!

Views: 14

Tags: Bell, Epistle, Lyn, Manna, Moment, Rev, The


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