The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

2 Corinthians 3:5 “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”

Good morning it is Monday morning and as always instead of dragging about the weekend being over; instead think of today as an opportunity to achieve something great for God! It’s that time of year again with the holiday season beginning next month. SLS will have its Annual Thanksgiving Dinner drive to assist families that are in need, and then follow with its Wrap A Woman Winter Coat drive for women in shelters! Both flyers shall be forthcoming this week!

Wow, as I studied this verse I thought how many of us think that what we achieve is done in our own knowledge or strength? Too often you hear folk bragging about their accomplishments or when asked how they achieved or was motivated to accomplish something, the answers are about their inner self, education, or network connections. Considering Psalm 24:1 states: The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. . . the credit should be given to God first! I know it sounds routine and the practical mind says well yes, but if I didn’t go to such and such networking event and meet so and so, or one of my soros or frat brothers hooked me up. The reality is that without God it doesn’t matter who, what or when we are, he is the source. This text is Paul talking to the Corinthians about fake credentials and authority. Paul was extremely well educated (and a Pharisee), but he expressed his humility before God. We should never claim to be adequate without God’s help. When God’s will is being done, like Paul, we don’t need those kinds of papers to authenticate who we are in Christ Jesus! Although we have natural talent, without God’s favor, power and authority it would be like a plug in the socket with no electricity flowing through it. Think about it, the honor, praise and glory belongs to whom? Unfortunately more and more in our society giving God honor and praise has become politically incorrect. Have a blessed day and remember who we should thank for it!

Views: 21

Tags: Bell, Lyn, Manna, Moment, Rev


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