The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Manna Moment - Rightly Dividing the Truth

‎2 Timothy 2:15  “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Good morning it’s Tuesday, the second day of the week.  I am off to get a quick ride in before work this morning.  With fall and subsequently winter approaching I need to get as much riding in as I can.  This is the last night to catch Heaven’s Gates/Hell’s Flames at Calvary Gospel Church, 11150 Berry Road at 7:30 p.m. and it’s FREE!   What an outpouring of God’s grace and spirit as souls came forth for salvation or renewal!!!  Hallelujah!  Come be a part of the excitement as the angels are dancing in heaven!  

Today’s text is one we are quite familiar with and probably quote ourselves.  You know me sometimes I need to dig in and get some of the meaning of what was happening in ancient Greece when this was written.  We know Paul was encouraging Timothy in being a pastor and giving the people instruction.  As I did some historical research on this verse, I got an understanding from what the Greeks meant in this word usage.   They used it in various contexts:   driving a straight road across country, for plowing a straight furrow across a field, and for the work of a mason in cutting and squaring a stone so that it fitted into its correct place in the structure of a building.  When we rightly divide the word, we are driving a straight road through the truth and refuse to be lured down pleasant but irrelevant byways.   As there are a lot false teaching and self opinion these days, it would behoove each believer to spend time studying the word of God for themselves.  By doing so they won’t be lured or influenced by others.  The Holy Spirit which is the teacher will be your help as Jesus promised the disciples that he would send help.  The Bible alone tells us how to live for God and serve Him.  When we don’t spend time in the Word we will certainly be ashamed at judgment, when you are held accountable for your life.  Being consistent and diligent in studying the word is vital or we will be lured into neglecting God and our true purpose for living.  Well just a little breakdown on this so have a blessed day and renewed commitment to studying the Word of God.

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Tags: Bell, Lyn, Manna, Moment, Study, Word, the


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