The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Genesis 16:2 “…so she said to Abram, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.”

Good morning it’s another crisp early fall morning! No bike ride today because I have a Zumba class this evening. Try Zumba to get some fun exercise in! Get prepared for the Ladies Ministry Fall Bazaar at Calvary Gospel Church, Save the Date October 22, 2011. There will at least 60 vendors with a variety of goods for sell. Homemade bake goods will meet you in the foyer for sale and don’t forget the drawing and free prizes! 

Today’s text is about Sarah not following the promises and plan of God in blessing her and Abraham with children. Clearly in previous text they were made a promise to have a child. Sarah was old and past child bearing age. When no child came, Sarah took matters in her own hands. Nowhere in scripture does God tell Sarah to get a surrogate mother for their situation. But in her desire to have a child she takes matters into her own hands and tells her husband to go make a baby with her servant. Hey give me a break here. Okay this was before test tubes and petri dishes. So her husband had to literally make a baby with another woman! Talk about open marriages…. In any event Sarah didn’t follow the plan, as we know all kinds of things resulted when the baby came along. Jealousy, resentment, another woman’s life totally changed. Remember the woman was a slave (servant) and didn’t have choice in the matter. How selfish could Sarah be, especially after the fact and got jealous…. Well the point is when God makes a promise, let Him do it. If it doesn’t happen today, tomorrow or five years from now, allow Him to stay in control. When God does it, it will be perfect and goes as His will and plan for our lives are ordained. Have a blessed day. Yes there’s a lot more in the Sarah, Hagar and Abraham story.

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Tags: Bell, Bible, Lyn, Manna, Moment, Rev, truths


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