"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."
Proverbs 18:8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts.”
Good morning it’s Monday and it’s not blue but 62 with a high of 82 today! Nice weather. Just to let you know I made it out on Friday morning and half way through the ride, I got soaking wet, but it felt good! Savannah got washed from the water and now doesn’t have mud caked on the back part of the frame. It was a weekend of memories as we as a nation took a look at 10 years after our national disaster of 9-11. Everyone could remember what they were doing the morning our country was attacked by terrorists. God bless us for our recovery and much more social and security conscious mind! Last night was the opening night of Heaven’s Gates/Hell’s Flames at Calvary Gospel Church. The play will continue tonight and Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Come on out its FREE!
Today’s text came up as a result of overhearing some people just tear down some other folk a few weeks ago. I thought is this as a deadly a sin as those listed in Proverbs 6:16-19? You know pride, lying, killing innocent people, manipulation and scheming, always wanting to be in on something no good, a tale bearer of false witness and a person that just stirs up dissension among people. It’s not listed, but when a person joins in on gossip it cuts to the core. Unfortunately the people that were doing the cutting so deep were Christians. Yes, I said it Christians. It was a wonder that the person they were cutting up so bad could stand after all that gossip that went into the atmosphere. It is truly like a choice morsel and if you are not careful, you can be easily pulled into it without even knowing you are there. Hey there are some things you just don’t want or need to hear. I wonder do people know that gossip is a sin? As I researched this I discovered that there’s about 127 passages in the bible in reference to gossip. None that I read so far encourages or gives justification when it’s necessary. Some will want to know when is it gossip versus “ I’m just saying… or stating a fact.” I know I am not making any friends today, but we all occasionally have to check ourselves!
To make matters worse in Proverbs 20:19 says “A gossip betrays a confidence, so avoid a man who talks too much.” My parents always said if a dog brings a bone, he would carry one. Anyone else ever heard of that saying. I think this was what they were referring to. Most time if a gossip got some juicy fruit for you, then they might be taking some juicy fruit somewhere else. The funny thing is that there was no repentance on the part of the folk gossiping that I overheard. Again I wonder do they know they were sinning? On well have a great week and see Monday as a day to achieve some great!
© 2025 Created by Elder Natrina "LadyRev" Lee.
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