The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Philippians 1

What does it mean to fellowship? It’s not a religious or churchy word; it applies to daily living. Fellowship simply means to have the same interest or to have a companionship that is relatable with others. Children of the living GOD must have communion with one another because we are in relationship with one another; we have a blood tie through CHRIST JESUS. We all make up in our minds daily to live for JESUS and to not willfully surrender to the temptations of our flesh. We have fellowship in the gospel that took place in our lives from the first day we surrendered our lives to JESUS to the present. We are confident in the promise of our FATHER who began a good work in us; to complete HIS work with us and in us until the day of JESUS CHRIST. We should never doubt this of ourselves or another. Take your eyes off what you see and place your eyes on the promises of GOD our LORD. Think of our family near and far; keep them within your hearts. It’s not necessary to know their names or where they are located; our FATHER has children all over planet earth and that is enough to know. We are to defend the gospel not sulk back and join who we believe to be a majority. Quiet as it’s kept; we are actually the majority not a minority. We are partakers of grace and we must show those who are lost in this world the love of CHRIST JESUS not our anger. But showing our love does not make us weak and does not mean that we are to agree with and accept sin. No, we are to convince those who are far off from JESUS to accept and believe in JESUS. It is not acceptable that we return back to the filth and shame that we have been delivered from. Who’s report are we willing to believe; the voice of sin or the voice of CHRIST JESUS and HIS holy word? Our love for JESUS and the holy gospel must abound more in knowledge and we must be able to discern righteously so that we can approve that which is more excellent and sincere without offense until JESUS return. We are to be filled with appetizing, fresh, sweet fruits of righteousness through CHRIST JESUS to the glory and praise of our GOD most high. Become confident in who we are in CHRIST JESUS able to speak boldly without fear. Defend the gospel; rejoice in the gospel we are daily being delivered and many others will be delivered by the pure unadulterated gospel through prayer and the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST. Have earnest hope in JESUS and in nothing be ashamed with all boldness magnify CHRIST JESUS in our body be it in life or death. Our conduct must always be worthy of the gospel; meaning that the image that we see in the gospel should be the JESUS in us. Stand in one spirit with one mind; working together for the faith of the gospel; don’t be afraid of your enemies or any that come against us; we are delivering the proof of perdition to those who don’t want to hear about JESUS and salvation to those who do want to hear about JESUS.


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