The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Colossians 4

I have such a rich and wonderful heritage because my GOD saw fit that I be placed where I am with whom I am to share a life line with. I’ve never felt angry or sorry that my ancestors were purchased and brought over in chains from a far off country. Because of that; I was woven into a tapestry that has placed me and trained me for such a time as this. All the while, my MASTER in heaven has perfectly orchestrated the movements of my ancestors, myself and my descendents. This is also true with you regardless of your heritage; our LORD GOD was in full control. We are not the first generation within our family to receive CHRIST JESUS as our Savior and our LORD. There were others in our ancestral line who prayed for us just as we pray for our descendents. There was someone who rose up and said “As for me and my house we will serve the LORD” also. For what amount of grace they understood; they had faith for and so it is with us. We must always be in prayer with a determination to be thankful for all that we have been through. We may not understand but GOD was in full control. We must be vigilant to usher other lost souls away from the pit of hell. We must be vigilant to encourage our faithful sibs in the faith of CHRIST JESUS. We must look to our LORD GOD to make an opening for us all to speak of the hidden truths regarding CHRIST JESUS that only those who are in relationship with HIM may comprehend. Only GOD’s Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Wisdom will manifest how we are to speak to those who are in utter darkness. Today is the redeeming time to release the prisoner from their chains into true freedom. Speak as JESUS spoke to us when we too suffered in sin; not knowing that we were arrogant, belligerent, confused, disobedient, fowl, greedy, hateful, idol worshippers, lost, malicious, nervous, oppressed, paranoid, queer, restless, stingy, trespassers, unrighteous, victims and wicked. In HIS eternal grace towards us; JESUS spoke and we too are to do the same. Speak ready to pardon and to show favor because they don’t know any better. Be ready to provide an answer when asked a question; their question just maybe the one that needs to be answered in such a way that redemption will show up. This book uses salt as a reference; salt is a seasoning that is used to bring food to life. In the case of this book reference; salt is to bring our conversation alive in the hearing of another. Remember this the next time we witness to others about JESUS; allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us. When we do we will not speak with vinegar.


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