The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Philippians 2

We need:

  • Consolation in CHRIST / comfort in the Anointed One.
  • Comfort of love / support and encourage
  • Fellowship of the Spirit / communion
  • Affection and mercy / devotion and kindness

Fulfill the joy of being like minded; having love and being of one accord just as the saints were in the upper room. Don’t allow the flesh to lead into selfish ambition or conceit. We should always esteem another higher than we do ourselves; look out for each other; encourage the interest of others; rejoice in full joy with them. This is just one of the many ways that we show our love because we are in JESUS and JESUS is in us. Our minds are to be transformed by the Word of GOD and in this transformation we must see ourselves just as JESUS saw HIMself. HE did not consider it robbery to be equal with GOD and we should not consider it robbery to be equal with JESUS. Let me remind some and introduce to others that JESUS made HIMself of no reputation by taking on the form of a bondservant. Meaning; JESUS worked and never received wages for HIS work. I'm not writing that this is what we are to do; however, there are cases where we give back to our community and it’s called volunteering.  JESUS came in the likeness of man and humbled HIMself to complete obedience to the point of death on the cross. The most high GOD is the one who exalted JESUS and gave JESUS a name that is above every name. For the children of GOD we willingly bow our knee before CHRIST JESUS; however, there will be a day that everyone will bow their knee before CHRIST JESUS willingly and unwillingly on and under earth. It’s the same with the name of JESUS; the children of GOD willingly confess that JESUS CHRIST is our LORD to the glory of GOD the FATHER; however, there will be a day when everyone will be made to confess CHRIST JESUS on and below earth.

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