The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Matt. 15:26 - But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

Hello my Sistah's! I've not been writing a few days, you know...LIFE! This last two weeks has been fun and frustrating all at the same time. My Darling husband said I was needing to relax a minute and decided (without my knowlege or consent) to take me to get a massage. And planned my Friday and Saturday for me....

I love this Dude with all my heart, He takes GOOD care of me. Even when I won't. So, I finally get all the last minute things taken care of and I'm put in the car (with no idea of where I was going...) and heaven in the hands of a young masseuse awaited me.

I get all sloshy and relaxed (she told me my muscles were so tight, it was really bad....) and then I walk out to sit with hubby before leaving and that dreaded telephone rings........

Dummm, duh, duh, dummm, dummmmmmm. Who is it? The children. What's wrong? Lisa. Who is this infamous Lisa you ask? She's the friend and companion to my family for 12 years. She sat between us and strangers...with a growl that said..."have we been properly introduced? You can't just come rolling up on my master like that..."

She alerted us to danger when my children were outside playing on the acreage and the sundry snake came along. She told me when someone drove up that was unsual because of the hummmmm of their vehicle was unfamiliar to her.

Even recounting that day now brings me to tears. So when I read the story of this Canaanite woman my heart goes to understanding her predicament. My daughter is vexed with a devil. She finds Jesus and KNOWS that He CAN do anything. I'm sure she's heard stories of Him healing and delivering folks and if anybody CAN, It would be Him!

I imagine her faith level rose hearing and repeating what she believed in her heart all the way to see Him. Her faith increased and the first thing she did was worshipped Him. Oh if we would learn how to worship! Even when we perceive He's saying no! At first she stated her problem, but it's when she worshipped Him that she received a response!

Even Jesus saying that He couldn't take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs didn't deter her resolve!

Some of us would have given up just then, you not even going to answer me???. We would have been mad as a dog! Who He think He tallking too? Or we would have given up and went home sorrowful and sad. But not THIS woman! She was not offended.....The Bible declares that even though the Master Himself, seems to have denied her petition, she was not going to give up that easy!

She acknowledged the TRUTH and agreed with it, but she appealed to GRACE. "27And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

Oh if our faith could reach this level! When Jesus finally answered her, He told her she could have what she came after, because of her FAITH! Her daughter was made whole that very hour! This Dog Lady, held onto her Faith, Like a Dog with a Bone! Don't give up Ladies! Just like a dog is faithful to their masters, You be faithful to your MASTER!!!

Jes Saying that's all.....Peace .......~ Pastor Michelle ~~AKA~~ Pastor D.I.V.A.S

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