The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Hmmmmm....while watching discovery channel, I saw a special on snakes. Hear me out. The premise was deadly snakes and how they strike.

There is a "striking distance" and it was different for each variety, but they had one nonetheless.

What struck me as very fascinating is the King Cobra. This one has a 7 foot striking distance.

It seems that they have a way of when they sense danger , or sudden movement that they “stand” up and display their hood. The back of the hood has a huge circular pattern that looks like an eye to anything trying to come at it from behind. Thusly (eyes in the back of it’s head)

I said all that to say….lol, I believe as people, we have issues that we don’t even realize we have until and unless confronted by it. It’s VERY easy for someone to diagnose what the other person’s problem or issue is, and how to “handle” it, but for the individual it seems very hard.

Why? I believe it has a lot to do with not using the word of God to examine the contents and the intents of my own heart for the owner of it.

Sometimes our self-esteem is low and we don’t even realize it, and we end up hurting or alienating the one that is the closest to us.

Friendly fire is dangerous, because you never know when it’s just going to shoot up and shoot out at you. I’ve heard it say that hurting people, hurt people. I don’t like it. But that seems to be the case.

When I was in Panama during Just Cause, we had to report many injuries and deaths, not from the Panamanian Defense but from our own troops not educated, or not watching, or not identifying their own from the enemy. Some was because the height of conflict causes your senses to be heightened, and then you see an enemy behind every bush.

Adrenaline makes for watching my back FIRST, and being VERY suspicious of EVERY movement, not discerning always if it is from my friend or my enemy. Which is what makes FEAR so dangerous…..

Sometimes if you’d find out someone background, you’ll see a pattern. Sometimes the intimidation is rooted in insecurity and fear, then it deflects because if you get too close…..You may end up hurting me. So if I “do unto others, as I’ve been done unto”, getting it twisted from the actual scripture.

Then I may fulfill my own prophecy, (They don’t love me, they going to leave me, I don’t have any real close friends, and etc. ) by forcing the situation thereby keeping control. If I know you going to do this anyway, then I may as well go ahead and expect and prepare for it, by pushing it forward.

This is why we have to know God and then know each other. Sometimes we as humans feel like someone is better than us, even though we all get breath from God. Everything is level at the foot of the cross……

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