The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Galatians 4

Sometimes when a will is drawn up and there are heirs who are minors (under 18) or are of legal adult age; yet they are immature (18+). A trust will be added with a stipulation set forth. I'm not writing this to show that I maybe correct; this is just my personal thought about the first couple of verses. As I studied these verses I thought how the LORD JESUS wrote a brand new will that nullified the former will that was once set for believers. As a young and or immature heir; we must ask for what we want or need from the person who has been designated to dole out what we ask for as long as he or she does not believe that it will be wasted. The guardian/trustee/steward’s job is to monitor and make the best decisions possible for the heir. This job will end when the person has reached a certain age requirement set forth or when certain obligations have been met as an adult.  Until then the heir is in bondage to his or her agency and physical nature. The LORD JESUS was born into a culture in which legalistic perversion of the law was the norm. HE came with the purpose to redeem everyone from the law. Now I myself don’t take to kindly to the word “might” when it comes to what the LORD JESUS can do. However, I think I maybe in full understanding here when the scripture reads; “that we might receive the adoptions of sons.” Here I understand that adoptions to become the sons of the LORD GOD; has been made available to us. We no longer need to be distant from HIM or strangers. No person (child) wants to be or feel like an orphan; however, apart from the LORD GOD that is exactly what we are. We have to want to be adopted; we have to want to be able to proclaim who our father is and not only just our father but our daddy. The LORD GOD is just that; the LORD GOD desires that we come to HIM; HE wants to be our FATHER and most of all our DADDY. Now once we become sons of the Living GOD we are given the Spirit of HIS beloved SON that He may live within our hearts. It is the Spirit of JESUS who will teach us all that we are to know about the LORD JESUS. As well it is the Spirit of the LORD JESUS who gives us the power to overcome every adversity that comes our way. The Holy Spirit which is also known as the Spirit of the LORD JESUS will cause us to cry out to our FATHER; saying ABBA, FATHER or DADDY, DADDY! ABBA, FATHER is intimate between the child and the FATHER; we see our DADDY as our Dear FATHER! As a child of the Most High GOD we are no longer in bondage/slave to the physical nature and its desires; we have denounced our allegiance to serving false gods that also includes ourselves. We are sons of the Living GOD; we are HIS heirs through CHRIST. Many have said that they know God but does the LORD GOD know you? When you belong to HIM; you are known by GOD. So how is it that you turn back again to those weak and miserable elemental spirits (false gods and natural inclinations)?  Come from under the law; hear and believe in CHRIST JESUS and HIS saving grace. HE is full of mercy for us all; HE will not condemn us once we believe in HIM and we have become sons of HIS FATHER. HE nor HIS FATHER is sitting in heaven judging us who have been blood washed from sin and the law. Dear brothers and sisters I often ask many Christians if they are my brother from the same mother or my brother from another mother? I'm often shocked that they don’t know what I'm talking about; like maybe most of you. Hagar gave birth to Abraham’s son Ishmael but this pregnancy came about by man’s effort. Hagar is a slave and is under the law she relies on natural efforts. Ishmael is not an heir; yet, he is the son of Abraham just not the promised son.  Sara gave birth to Abraham’s son Isaac and her pregnancy came about by the LORD GOD’s effort. It took faith for a ninety year old woman to conceive and give birth; I'm not positive but maybe Abraham had PD and Viagra was not an option. So it took faith for him to perform and plant his seed. Sara is a free woman and is under grace; she relies on her faith in the LORD GOD. Isaac is an heir and is the promised son. Through whom; eventually the greatest promise of them all would be born; JESUS.


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