The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Revelation 3:20

When I was a wee child; I lived with my Great-Grandmother. In her bedroom she had a picture of a person that modeled for the role of JESUS knocking on a door. Now I never paid any attention to anything in the picture with the exception of the model; who I thought at that time was actually JESUS. A few years ago I was in a Bible study and that picture was described; it came to my attention that the door did not have a doorknob on the outside of the door. I never knew that; I hope to see that picture again one day maybe in a store; business or someone’s home. I found out that the picture actually teaches that JESUS will never knock down or use HIS power to open a door. HE will simply knock. Our heart is a door also; we choose who we allow in; most of our choices are wrong and those we allow in steal and try to destroy us. There are others that we allow in which are correct; they bring us happiness and when we see or hear them our hearts are filled with excitement. When we open the door of our hearts and invite JESUS to come in; HE does and will take up residency there with you. HE will begin to clean each and every area of our hearts that we give HIM access to. Sometimes and really most times HE has to knock down walls made of stone; wash and open up windows. JESUS will disinfect our hearts with HIS Love and HIS Word. JESUS will not just sweep and mop the floors but HE will get down on HIS knees and scrub away all the filth that has stained the floors and baseboards. HE washes and paints the walls. We begin to experience the freshness that comes with having JESUS dwelling on the inside of us. We desire to spend more time with HIM by reading HIS Word and speaking with HIM. We desire to speak and live our lives according to HIS will. We look back on our past life not with a desire to return but to thank GOD for HIS Salvation and how the sting of all the hurts that we once experienced no longer exists for us. We find ourselves craving more of the presence of GOD in our lives. People who know us begin to notice the wonderful change in our life because of our speech and what we will and what we will no longer adhere to as we once did. Have you opened the door of your heart to JESUS or are you standing at the door with a night chain on so that HE does not come in but you can see each other as you speak?

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