The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

GOD keeps us from falling


Jude 24-25

Unlike the famous television commercial; “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” GOD’s children do not fall on or into a realm of unprotection. We are always in the Ark of safety because we belong to GOD. We are not perfect yet we strive for perfection; because of this there will be times when we will make a mistake but this does not mean that we have our hearts bent towards sin. Sometimes we will react to sin instead of being proactive against sin. However, as I stated we are in the Ark of safety. Let me use this illustration. In the Ark; Noah and his family were sometimes caught off balance and even fell inside of the Ark. None of them laid were they had fallen; they got up and kept moving forward. This is how we must see ourselves; we all who believe in JESUS are in the Ark of the Covenant and when we fall; we fall inside of the Ark never outside where there is danger and no protection from the fall.  Inside the Ark is forgiveness, grace, mercy, healing, deliverance and much more of the promises GOD has given to each and every one of us. Outside of the Ark is nothing but danger and unprotection from evil. So when you have found that you have fallen don’t lay there like the actress in the television commercial and scream “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Pick yourself up, admit your mistake to GOD and keep moving forward. Remember, there is no condemnation or guilt in CHRIST JESUS.

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