The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Ephesians 6

  • Children obey your parents in the LORD.

When children have godly parents who are living in the LORD; one of the lessons taught must be that they listen and obey. However, if the parents are not in the LORD; it does not mean that children should not listen and obey. There are some good parents out here that are lost in their sins and there are some horrible parents out here. So when should children disobey their parents? When parents tell them to lie; try to have them drink and drug with them; try to have sex with them and other various evils.

  • Honor your father and mother; this is the first commandment with promise: that it will be well with you and you will live long on the earth.

What a wonderful promise; children as long as we have breath in our lungs and as long as our parents have breathe in theirs. We are to highly esteem our father and mother. It has nothing to do with their being very good or very bad parents. It’s true that if under the guardianship of bad parents; you are helpless. However, as an adult; you have the power to make better choices; give to them what they were not able to give to you.

  • Fathers, do not provoke your children to become resentful and look for away to take revenge. This type of anger can be deadly. Years ago I did a study on fathers and their role as in the home or away from the home. I saw that everyone had fatherhood wrong with the exception of our Jewish brothers. We don’t realize that the role of the father’s are far more hands on than what we experience and the mother’s role is less. Father’s from the very beginning are farmers and what do farmers do but work to produce the very best crops. A father/farmer plants seeds into fertile ground. A father/farmer consistently cares for the ground that nothing harmful happens to what has been planted. Now a mother is more in charge here since the seed is within her and has successfully connected with the egg. The father is not shadowing her twenty-four hours seven days a week. Once harvest time comes it is the father/farmer who partakes of the crop first. If the father is in the delivery room he may cut the umbilical cord or is handed the baby first and he then gives the baby to the mother for her care. The mother’s  role is very simplistic; she is to nourish the child into adulthood but the father’s role is to make sure of the following.
  • Provider (not some time but all the time)
  • Teacher / introduce and teach the Good News of the LORD JESUS into the lives of the children. (For a son; it’s to teach the boy to become a man who honors women; he is taught to be a provider and protector. For a daughter; he teaches his daughter how to stay away from the trappings of males who do not have her best      interest at heart. A woman cannot teach a man child to think like a man nor can a woman teach a woman child to avoid the pitfalls of males. We can share our experience with men but we don’t really understand the heart and mind of men.)
  • Protector (a father is there to protect his family and home at all cost)

I hope that was helpful to parents with small children or expectant parents. Now, let’s take a look at a promise which is for everyone believer or non-believer.

      Whatever good anyone does; they will receive the same from the LORD.

I am an advocate that every human on the planet comes into the full knowledge of the LORD CHRIST JESUS. However, it’s nice to know that when we are kind; polite and helpful to others that we will receive the same in return. Show kindness and kindness will be shown to you; be polite and others will be polite to you; be helpful and you will be helped. Now none of these good works will get anyone into heaven at all. You can do wonderful things for people all over planet earth expecting nothing in return; die and go to hell if you are not living in JESUS. No person will ever see heaven without coming to CHRIST JESUS first and asking HIM into our lives. We have been living long enough doing it our way and we have gotten nowhere. That’s insanity; don’t try JESUS ask JESUS to come into your heart to live there and not only that ask diligently for the Holy Spirit to reside within you.

Without the Holy Spirit we don’t have the power from on high to think, say and do as the LORD will want us. We will be known as lukewarm CHRISTians; sitting on the fence CHRISTians; carnal CHRISTians. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and He speaks of one person only; JESUS CHRIST. In CHRIST JESUS we are to learn through the Holy Spirit who we are and be who we are. In CHRIST JESUS we have a bold witness of who JESUS CHRIST is to us in our lives. In the Holy Spirit we are able to be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might. We are weak and powerless without the Holy Spirit.

Armor –vs. – clothes: When we put on clothes we are expected to remove them. However, when I read my bible I read;

Put on the whole armor of GOD that we will be able to stand against the darkness of the devil. We do not wrestle against wicked angels; against dominions; against the rulers of darkness of this world; against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the air.

Nowhere in that verse of scripture does it read to remove the armor. Most people have never put the armor on; some people have put the armor on then took it off. As for me because I found myself forgetting sometime to put the armor on; I made a decision to put the armor on and leave it on. I may have to do a wee bit of adjustment because I was attacked but nothing penetrated because I had the armor on.

v  Therefore, take up the entire suite of armor in the LORD GOD so you will be able to withstand the evil day; having done all to stand--

You know the bible informs us that we have what we say. What does that say about a person who consistently tells another person that they are hanging in there? Did you know that when a person hangs; there is no assurance that they will not fall? Has there been any consideration that hanging informs others that we are unstable and are on shaky ground? We have been informed to—

v  Stand, having put the belt of truth around our waist.

v  Put on the breastplate of righteousness.

v  Put on our shoes with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

v  Above all, hold in our hand the shield of faith with us so we will be able to extinguish the fiery darts of the wicked one.

v  Take the helmet of salvation in other words grasp the meaning of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of the LORD GOD. Praying always with humility in the Holy Spirit. Be watchful with all perseverance and humility for all the children of the living LORD GOD.

Parents this should be a great message to you because you need to have your armor on when dealing with your precious children. Directing them to the bull’s eye of their destiny can be difficult but the reward is ever so wonderful.

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