The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Galatians 1

Here is a free will gift to every person born. For every person born and living old enough to read this blog with understanding; know that you are not a mistake. Your father and mother may have not planned to conceive you. However; the LORD GOD has HIS own plans and desires that HE will like to see carried out.  The LORD GOD said HIMself; “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future (Jer. 29:11 CJB).You dear heart; have a purpose in this life; you have been marked for greatness. The LORD GOD and the LORD CHRIST JESUS; who willingly gave HIMSELF as a ransom for you; that you will take HIS gift of salvation. HIS salvation for you washes away all your sins.  JESUS wants to deliver you from this present evil world according to the will of our LORD GOD and FATHER for HIS glory forever and ever. Amen. Come to the LORD JESUS and hear the true gospel; turn not away to various types of gospel that are designed to lead you astray. They encourage the flesh yet have nothing to feed the spirit. There are some who distort the gospel of CHRIST. These people are accursed and the angels in heaven as well if they bring to us another gospel that is different from the anointed Word of the LORD GOD. I myself (Elder Shawn) take a beating at times because I'm determined to preach as Apostle Paul who received his instruction from none other than CHRIST JESUS; Himself. I do not seek to please men and I encourage you also to no longer waste your times trying to please people. Ask yourself; where has it gotten you so far? People will say; that if we don’t stand for something then we will stand for anything. This is true in part because it all depends on who we are standing with. I have made up in my mind that I will stand for CHRIST JESUS and HIS gospel and not pay attention to the many leaders who play follow the leader. I am anointed to take a scripture and break it down to its most simplistic form in the hopes to help others who are religious or who are not churched. I do this and remove not one drop of my Savior’s blood. Apostle Paul was a bondservant of CHRIST; I want to be a bondservant of CHRIST. Paul has left a wonderful example for me to follow as to how to apply all of what JESUS has taught and promised; I don’t worship Paul but I consider him a mentor. My revelations much like Paul’s are not from others but straight from JESUS CHRIST; HIMSELF. I know this because many lives are being affected; many lives are being changed; many have come to JESUS through these blogs. It pleased the LORD GOD to separate me from my mother’s womb and call me through HIS grace. Not only has it pleased the LORD GOD to separate me but you also. I am unknown by face yet the LORD GOD within me is being glorified. And that’s just the way I like it.

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