The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Acts 10:15 “The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

Good morning it is Tuesday and another glorious Fall day! I am amazed at God’s beauty in transitioning the seasons from one to another. This Saturday, Point of Change Jail Ministries will be holding an appreciation banquet at Grace Lutheran Church, Charles Street LaPlata, MD. 20646, from 6-8 pm. Please come out and see how God is using this ministry to transition incarcerated individuals back into society. Give Chaplain John Lewis a call at 301-609-5917. If you are not able to attend, but desire to contribute so that this great work can continue, please visit for online secure contributions or call 301-609-5917.

Meandering along in chapter 10 of Acts Peter learns some great lessons, in order to reach all people in his teaching. He is sent a Centurion solider that is a believer, but God teaches Peter a lesson about what is good to eat and what is not. Jewish people were prejudice against the Gentile believers because of dietary laws. The Jews were quite rigid in their beliefs and rituals. Peter found himself living with a tanner, someone that worked with the bodies of dead animals and permanently considered unclean (Numbers 19:11-13). Peter was hungry and God used this opportunity to talk to him about dietary rituals. God gave him a vision of various things to eat and Peter was like “no way Lord. I have never eaten anything unclean.” The strict dietary laws from Leviticus 11, is the reference in this text. God rebuked Peter for calling anything that he blessed unclean. So Peter no longer would point and declare a Gentile unclean. God teaches us that he may use us mightily as he did Peter.

I remember growing up in the South were you could not be caught in church without hosiery on one’s legs (something about covering yourself). It would be 100 degrees and people actual wore panty hose. When I first got saved for year some 20 odd years ago, on a hot summer day, I went to church without hose and a sister looked at me like I had two horns and wanted to know why I didn’t have on leg coverings. I thought you have got to be kidding me. Did it change me, no but I stayed away from her and often had a blind eye to hear from her. As you look at your life what are some of your traditions and rituals that may keep you from showing forth the true love of Christ! Hey have a great day!

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Tags: Bell, Lyn, Manna, Moments, Rev


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