The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Manna Moment - Freedom in the Midst of the Quake -- Acts 16:26 “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.”  Here Paul and Silas help a girl who is being prostituted by evil owners. When Paul and Silas command the demonic spirit from her they were upset that their cash cow as no longer bringing in the dough. They called the authorities (the po po) and were arrested. Based on their complaints to the courts, it was unlawful to accept or practice being a Christian. Paul and Silias are locked and chained up. What does Paul and Silas do? They don’t call for their legal representative, but begin to pray and praise in the midnight hour. They had a captive audience in the other prisoners. What a time to witness! Suddenly there was a violent quaking of the earth with the result that the prison was shaken, with doors flying open and chains popping loose. Not only did God release them, but no one was hurt and the jailer got saved. How many was saved as no one was hurt in an earthquake that took place in Mineral Virginia, but felt as far north as New York, south as South Carolina and west as Chicago! Did anyone ask you what must I do to be saved? God we love and worship you for you are an awesome, mighty God! Blessings as you continue to praise Him! Hallelujah.

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